Gasolin’-the legend of Franz Beckerlee was convicted in the district court for having broken traffic laws, but in the court of appeal so man different things.

The high Court informs on Thursday to Ekstra Bladet, the appeal case is ended with an acquittal.

Therefore, there is reason to smile for the 77-year-old rock icon, who in march last year was sentenced to a conditional withdrawal of the driving licence for three years.

It came as the culmination of an episode from the 9. august 2018, where Beckerlee drove over a red light and took a lane intended for drivers who need to run straight ahead, to swing to the right.

See also: Conditional sentence to Beckerlee

Beckerlee already had two clips in the licence, which, with the third meant the conditional disqualification.

– For known for right. Franz Beckerlee is punishable by a fine of 3500 dollars. The right to drive vehicles requiring a licence – apart from the little moped of his defendants. Frakendelsen is conditional on the terms that the defendants in the three years from the final judgment does not lead motor vehicle under such circumstances, that the administrative authorities must be denied. The accused shall pay the costs, was the message from the Copenhagen city Court.

Gasolin’ from the left: Søren Berlev, Franz Beckerlee, the deceased Kim Larsen and he was Jønsson. Photo: Thomas Sjørup

Franz Beckerlee did not make it easier for himself when he found out that a defender was not free, why he chose to defend himself.

– I found out that it costs 3000 dollars, and since I don’t expect to win the case, so I do not think there is any reason to spend money on it, said Franz Beckerlee in the district court.

See also: Find the treasure trove of completely unknown Gasolin’-tape

Though he had a defender with him, fought Franz a brave battle to convince the court of his innocence.

Among other things, showed he is on your Macbook computer, a video of the intersection, where the two most recent offences have taken place.

the Video convinced, however, not magistrate Knud Erik Schmidt, that Beckerlee should be acquitted. He found, instead, that Beckerlee interpret the rules of the road in a different way than the right.

– You have a very free interpretation of how the rules of the road are, said the judge.

As Extra the Blade catches Franz Beckerlee over the phone for a comment on the acquittal, he is not communicative.

Franz, I can understand that you have been acquitted?

– Yes, but I have no desire to talk with Ekstra Bladet. I ‘m sorry, he said, and slammed on.