Copenhagen-the company ACT.Global is a newly deficit of around eur 120 million. kr. ended up in economic crisis.

As an Extra Leaf could tell yesterday, Lagkagehuset-the founder, Ole Kristoffersen money at stake in the company, which develops means to combat bacteria.

And now it turns out that several former football stars are also involved.

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ACT.Global in Copenhagen has ended up in financial problems. Photo: Jonas Olufson

This applies, among other EM-hero Henrik ‘Store’ Larsen, who has a leading position and also is an investor in the company. However, he is very taciturn about the large deficit.

– I would really like to talk with you, but right now I have unfortunately no comments. We also lack to get the information, so I simply don’t right much, says Henrik Larsen, who has helped establish a partnership between the ACT.Global and in his previous club Lyngby BK.

Extra Magazine have for several days tried in vain to get a comment on the situation in the ACT.Global from the director and owner Carsten Jensen.

See also: Comet company in crisis: a Deficit of 120 million. kr.

an article in The Vejle Amts Folkeblad it also appears that the former landsholdspiller Allan Simonsen had to be associated with the ACT.Global as PR-director.

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Fodboldlegenden Allan Simonsen (th.) was previously pr director in the ACT.Global according to an article in the Vejly Amts Folkeblad. It is still the case, is unknown. Photo: Ernst van Norde

It has not been possible to get a comment from Simonsen, who in 1977 was named Europe’s best footballer and more than 35 years later again came on the display board as participating in ‘dancing with the stars’.

And Henrik Larsen is not much to tell, what the role of Allan Simonsen play in the ACT.Global.

– It I must simply not the answer. I have not the power, ” says Henrik Larsen.

– you Can tell whether there are other former football players involved?

– No, I must not, he says.

the German Stefan Schnoor, which among other things has played for Hamburger SV and English Derby County, however, are involved in the company. It is evident from his profile on the social media LinkedIn.

But the contact is not occurred by Henrik Larsen.

– It is not. And I didn’t actually know, he was a part of the company, says the former Danish national team player.

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the German Stefan Schnoor played in the English Derby County from 1998 to 2000. On LinkedIn he gives himself as a ‘Freelancer’ in the ACT.Global. Photo: Colorsport/Shutterstock

It has not been possible to get a comment from Stefan Schnoor for his role in the company.

ACT.Global has in recent years seen pleasing millionoverskud, and as late as October promised director Carsten Jensen in an interview with the Exchange, to the new accounts should be even better.

But something has gone completely wrong, the accounts showed a deficit of around eur 120 million. kr.

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ACT. Globals manager and owner, Carsten Jensen, has so far not wanted to answer questions about the large deficit in his firm. Pr photo

– It is indeed not very smart to sign a golden future out and get as big a hammer in the head afterwards. It seems as though the director has come to speak a little too much, as the seller, but may not be as regnskabskyndig, says Frank Thinggaard, professor of accounting at the University of Aarhus.

Carsten Jensen is not returned in the Additional Blade’s inquiries about the large deficit.