A nasty divorce, debt and a house that could not be sold, things got to go right in the stalemate between Morten Böhlers and his ex-wife Jette Møller.

It could Wednesday night to see in the DR programme ‘In house to the neck’.

The former couple couldn’t be in the living room together, and all communications on their two common children and the dire state of the economy took place via text message.

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Since designer Søren Vester and real estate agent Line Franck from ‘In the house for the throat’ was on the visit with the previous couples in Dybbøl, the house was sold. Conversely, Morten Böhlers and his immediate family got new challenges to contend with.

– There has been much uproar since the program. The week before filming, so did my grandfather, and the week after had my father diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus, says Morten Böhlers.

See also: Downturn after DR program: – It is frustrating

His father, Richard, starred in the program and stood among other things to make it beautiful spa bathroom. Since the shooting he has with his son’s words had ‘a decent shot of chemo’ and must be operated in the next week.

– The 17. he must have removed the esophagus. This leads to the stomach longer up, and it means that he must learn to eat in a completely new way, says Morten Böhlers.

the Same day his new girlfriend, Chalotte, also at the hospital.

– She has in a long time hassle with the kidney. She has really been plagued by pain and have been on sick leave for almost half a year. 17. we get to know if she should have removed the one kidney, says Morten Böhlers.

– I used to be him, who is there for every other and pray usually never for help. So it was a big camel to swallow to get people to come and give a hand with on the house. But that came almost 30, and I can not express how grateful I am. I feel that I have a debt of gratitude I can never pay back, says Morten Böhlers. Photo: DR
The 39-year-old his calls, however, fixed with nails as big as Dybbøl Mølles wings, that there must be more to beat his family out of it.

– In my family, we will not say, if it goes over. We we say, when it goes over. We are positive. We do not have problems, we have challenges, he says.

According to Morten Böhlers, there are fortunately also been plenty of good stuff on it half a year’s time, since the tv-team was on a visit to his former home.

– Charlotte and I have got a new apartment in Sønderborg. It has space for both us and our combined four children, he says, and says that the last thing was moved from the house to the apartment last weekend.

– Since we had retrieved the last thing, we took a trip on the golden seagull and retrieved the food. Now we live so close to McDonald’s, that food is hot when we get home. When I took the first bite of my burger, discovered Charlotte, that I sat and cried. The tears rolled simply out of me, says Morten Böhlers.

It was tears of joy, he was overpowered by the.

– It felt like there was a knife that cut the straps of my backpack. I was 50 kilos lighter. The burden of the house was away, he says.

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the Hatchet with his ex-wife is also well on its way to be buried.

– After the program, we agreed that the past is the past. Now we are looking forward now. She invited me home to them, so I could see how my children live when they are with their mother, says he’s happy.

– It is as if I am a brand new Morten. I’m smiling, I’m happy and relieved, and it notes the people. But the best part is that I’ve got my sister again. She volunteered us for the program, even if we almost not sown. What do we do now, and I am so glad, says Morten Böhlers.