The top political leader in China’s virusramte province of Hubei have been removed from the post.

It writes the state news agency Xinhua on Thursday, according to AFP news agency.

Jiang Chaoliang, who had the title of party secretary of Hubei, will be replaced by Shanghai’s mayor, Ying Yong. Xinhua brings no explanation for the replacement.

Also, the head of the communist party of Hubeis largest city, Wuhan, have been exempted from service.

Former party secretary of Hubei Jiang Chaoliang inspects the new hospital in Wuhan. Photo: China Daily/Ritzau Scanpix

This writes the newspaper Global Times, according to Reuters. Global Times is often referred to as a mouthpiece for the regime in Beijing.

The new virus, which is responsible for over 1350 deaths in China, is believed to come from a food market in the provincial capital Wuhan.