He gets a taste at the end of march, where Denmark guests Wembley and England in a test prior to the summer european championship finals. And when the EM-finals are played, it gets serious between Denmark and England, who meet two times in the Nations League. And the fights look Gareth Southgate forward to, he says to DR the Sport.

the national coach for England, which is number five in fifa’s world rankings, has fond memories of the Danish landsholdsfodbold.

– We know the team’s quality, and I have always admired the Danish football.

I grew up with a Danish team with Michael Laudrup, Preben Elkjaer and Jesper Olsen. So the WORLD cup in Mexico is one of my best international fodboldminder. I have always been impressed with the quality of the players, Denmark has produced. So we are looking forward to the challenge, says Gareth Southgate to DR Sporten.

Besides the Uk, Denmark is in group with Belgium and Iceland, so waiting six difficult matches.

the Nation’s League is played from september to november 2020.

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