BERLIN (Ekstra Bladet): There is jubilant victors and desperate losers. There is bitterness, annoyance, explosive anger, and above all the joy of life.

the WORLD championships is an intense play that brings all the emotions in the game, but nothing was in the Velodrom in Berlin more heartbreaking and life-affirming than the speech in which the former toprytter Kristina Vogel kept, when she Sunday was presented with the international cykleunion the UCI’s honorary prize.

In his wheelchair, held the disabled woman in the crowd in the Velodrom caught up with its tragic story of træningsstyrtet, which in 2018 will cost her førligheden. And at the same time, she gave with his willpower and optimism of everyone in the hall believe that it is useless to fight with even the biggest injustice.

– My life changed totally. I thought I was going to win more gold medals, but life writes sometimes a different story, said Vogel, in a speech in both German and English.

– After the difficult moment (the accident, ed.), I decided that life must go on. The faster I could accept it, the faster it can continue. And it has been wonderful.

– I have learned that one must set goals. You must know what you want to achieve, and it can be done no matter what situation you are in.

– Let no one tell you what you can and can’t, said Kristina Vogel.

During the championships she has worked as a commentator on German tv. She is the first banerytter, which has received the UCI’s honorary prize.

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