Greece has since Saturday been struggling with large inflows of refugees from Turkey after the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Saturday opened its borders towards the EU.

But it is not Greece alone, who must deal with the gross migration flows.

It tells the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, on Tuesday.

– It is not only a Greek border but a european border.

” that is Why we have come here today to send a clear signal of european solidarity, and we are fully ready to provide all the operational support, which Greece needs, she says.

on Tuesday, von der Leyen, together with the president of the EUROPEAN Parliament, David Sassoli, and the EU president, Charles Michel, at the Greek-Turkish border in Greece in order to supervise the situation.

Here we meet with the Greek prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

the EU’s agency for border and coast guard, Frontex, prepares a comprehensive team that includes 100 extra guards, two helicopters and aeroplanes, says von der Leyen.

There are already 530 EU border guards in Greece.

in Addition, the EU will provide 700 million euros in financial aid to Greece.

It is the growing unrest in the syrian Idlib province, which is Syria’s last rebel-held area that has sent hundreds of thousands of people on the run.

Saturday elected Erdogan to open Turkish borders towards Europe, and it has received thousands of refugees to flow against especially the Greek islands.

According to figures from the united nations, there are Tuesday approximately 13.000 stranded migrants trying to enter the EU through Turkey.

In march 2016 included Turkey and the EU a flygtningeaftale to control the flow of migrants to the EU, after more than a million migrants and refugees in 2015 was flowed into Europe.

It was a part of the agreement, that Turkey against a milliardbetaling from the EU should take the refugees back.

It meant that the migrants who came to Greece from Turkey and was assessed not to be in need of protection, had to be sent back to Turkey.

But the agreement, Turkey has, according to David Sassoli broken. And the country must live up to, he stresses.

– We would like to prevent that we get similar cases of migratory flows, as we saw in 2015 and 2016, says Sassoli.

The Greek prime minister is also strongly dissatisfied with Turkey.

– It is no longer about migrants. It’s all about that Turkey, using the desperate people to further its political agendas.

And for Erdogan, who declares open borders, I say: Try not to get into Greece. It will not succeed, says Mitsotakis.