When the ‘dancing with the stars’-the star Morten Kjeldgaard Sunday celebrated his 35 birthday, it was far from as solemn, as he had planned.

the Other day he got namely an injury in his knee, and it has meant that he now needs to stay calm.

the Damage is done in the middle of a time where Morten Kjeldgaard is in full swing with the musical ‘Love dance – The Musical’, and, as a consequence of the damage, to have a performance had to be cancelled.

‘In Friday’s performance of ‘dancing with the stars’ I made a twist in my knee, in our very last dance. I could feel something was wrong, but danced on. After the performance I got ice cream and went home’, he writes on Instagram, and continues:

‘I woke up in the night with pain and took in the emergency room, where they were able to ascertain that my knee was sprained. This means that either the ligament partially destroyed or totally torn over (I hope strongly in the first!), but therefore we had to cancel the first performance yesterday, Saturday. I have mega bad conscience of all those who had to take in vain in the theatre, and I will unfortunately not be able to be on the scene the next 14 days’, he writes on.

Morten Kjeldgaard has for many years been in the ‘dancing with the stars’. Last year, he got a second place together with the singer Coco O. Photo: Mogens Flindt

See also: ‘dancing with the stars – the musical’: Clean plattenslageri

For Ekstra Bladet says Morten Kjeldgaard, that he could feel that there was something wrong with the knee.

– It is simply so unfortunate, as anything can be. This happens only one week after the premiere. I’m dancing the last 20 seconds of the finaledansen with my partner, Lise, and I will make a slide on the floor, and I can feel that there is a pop in my knee. The adrenaline was running well, but I could feel that I was nervous that there was something wrong, he says, and continues:

I tried to raise myself up. I could, but I could feel that all was not as it should be. The stack in a strange way, and the more cold I became, the more hurt did it.

Morten Kjeldgaard is a part of ‘dancing with the stars – The Musical’. Photo credit: Mikos Szabo

Morten Kjeldgaard came home, he had said that he is not able to abstract from the pain, and therefore he took in the emergency room.

I woke up at, that it ached and that I had to state that I am not able to go. I could not warm it up. So I went to the emergency room, and here, the doctor could immediately see that there was something wrong with the ligament. I didn’t get a scan, but was just checked, says ‘dancing with the stars’-the star.

See also: Actor in the accident just before the premiere: – I stortudede

Therefore, waiting for the dancer to get answers on how wrong it is to with his knees.

– the View is that we hope that it is the mildest form of injury. It will mean that there is 14-day break. If the ligament is destroyed, so is it in the worst case several months, he says, and continues:

– It is super annoying. For right now it’s my body, I live by. I also have all sorts of other things in the future, as I would very much like to do. The think I also, of course, and I’m nervous for how long it here is going to take. I also had mega guilty about having to cancel the performance, even though people say it, I should not have. There were many, who had rejoiced to see me. For example, my boyfriend’s parents come from Jutland, and then it was cancelled, and I am of course really disappointed that it was so.

Morten kjeldgaard’s fields partner, Lise Koefoed, also came to harm. It happened prior to the premiere, where she stumbled in her dress. Photo: Private

however, It is not only Morten kjeldgaard’s fields of accident, that has hit the ‘dancing with the stars – The Musical’.

Shortly before the premiere of ‘dancing with the stars – The Musical’ came actor Lise Koefoed, who is Morten kjeldgaard’s fields partner in the musical, to the damage and broke his wrist.

– We are a real powercouple, one must say, laughing Morten Kjeldggard.

– Lise was quite upset when she heard it, but now one can say that it is a-a, and then I must hasten back. It is just so unfortunate it here. I have danced many times with an injured shoulder and other things, but in this case it is impossible to dance. I simply do not. So now I’m waiting to get the scan, so I can get a clear message, and until then I take it easy.

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