the Evidence is piling up against the 34-year-old sydvestjyde, which is accused in a major criminal trial on grooming – that is, the manipulation of children with sexual abuse in mind.

Known the man guilty of just a small part of the attempted rapes, and other abuses across from 129 down to the ten-year boys, he can look forward to a lengthy custodial sentence and the extensive limitations in its job opportunities, and contact with children and young people.

It shows it is 91 pages long indictment, which Ekstra Bladet sought access to documents in the premises of the South Jutland Police.

In the evidence included two laptop computers and a hard drive with pornographic images and texts as well as an archive with 110 notes with the records of the potential victims ‘ names.

The illegal contacts with the typical 10 to 15-year-old children shall, in particular, has been going on Snapchat and social media such as KIK and have occurred up to three years to the man’s arrest in 2019.

the Police investigation include the examination of a large number of boys from different regions of Denmark. Part hearings are recorded on video.

A review of the more than 200 conditions indicate that the man, according to the indictment, has been very active on Snapchat and the social media LOOK, and he must largely have made themselves out to be a minor girl and in several cases also sent photographs with pornographic content of themselves.

Purely linguistically and behaviorally draw indictment a picture of a man who, after the police view, has used its mental superiority, and used regular threats to achieve what he wanted with the boys.

They cut off the high-speed internet access-in touch with the now accused man, and it prevented him allegedly in physical contact with the children, for example, in a forest or on a sports field.

In several cases he tried with threats in vain to forcing boys to send him the film from the dressing room at the boys ‘ school, says the indictment from South Jutland Police.

the Man with residence in the Municipality of Esbjerg is among others accused of the attempted rape, unlawful coercion, indecent exposure and other sexual practices than intercourse.

the Material also shows that he must be convicted of a sædelighedsforbrydelse.

He could also be convicted for having violated a ban on internet-contact with children and young people closed in 2016, and for possession of child pornography. He is alleged to have remained inside with a total of 4999 pictures and 3270 video sequences with child pornography content, including multiple rapes and forced.

Penalties in the concrete cases is expected to go beyond four years in prison, and the proceedings are expected to be treated like a jury trial.

The first of 30 working days from the notification takes place in august, and only ten weeks later, the expected judgment to fall.