A mentally ill killer, who is sentenced to placement in an indefinite period of time Sikringsafdelingen in Slagelse, was mugged and beaten several times in the face with the fists of a 28-year-old man, which itself is placed on the Fuse after a judgment.

this is the sound of one of the four indictments for violence and threats against the 28-year-old, and when the Court of Odense, denmark 9. march to decide the matter, comes the trial of regard to the safety to take place in a special room in the Fuse. He refuses guilty.

If the 28-year-old had to be transported to denmark by the police, it would require the ministry’s permission, and the Fuse has previously put local court proceedings, where the accused was considered as so dangerous, that the transport was considered too risky.

In October 2017 was a murder case from Aalborg quite unusual is definitely in the Sikringens court room, because a 23-year-old was rated as so dangerous, that he could not be transported to Aalborg.

the Fuse was the 23-year-old convicted of a homicide with several stabs on a 40-year-old in 2016. The killer was a paranoid maniac, and he was sentenced to placement on the Fuse.

In the current case was the 28-year-old in 2016, sentenced by the Court in Odense for placement on a retspsykiatrisk department for violence against a member of staff and a medpatient, robbery, and escape from the psychiatric hospital.

In august last year, the Court in Odense him a foranstaltningsdom, who sent him on the Fuse because of his dangerousness.

However, according to the indictment he continued his dangerous behavior on the Fuse. It went out over a 27-year-old medpatient, which itself is slated for placement on the Fuse, because he in 2013 killed a 17-year-old with two shots in the head. It came to pass, while he suffered from severe paranoid schizophrenia.

in Addition to the attack on the slayer is the 28-year-old accused of having threatened an educator on the Fuse: ’If you fucker with me, I shall kill you. You see, tim, you should not take the piss out of me’.

in Addition, the 28-year-old accused of two assaults, which happened while he was at Middelfart psychiatric department. A man was punched in the face and had to sew with three-four things, but the 28-year-old, according to the indictment, also struck a social and health care in the face, kicked him several times and tried to drag him into his room.

the Fuse in Slagelse is the country’s most restrictive and safest retspsykiatriske department, which is the flugtsikker. Sitting in 30 patients in three departments, which are either sentenced to placement or are sitting on a farlighedsdekret requested by the ministry of justice. Individual is in custody and hospitalized for mentalundersøgelse.

Each patient on the Fuse costs the society approximately 3.6 million dkk.

You can read more on the Fuse here

No one is escaped from the Fuse

It is so far not succeeded for anyone to escape from the Fuse, which is Denmark’s only secured psychiatric unit for particularly dangerous criminal insanity.

The new Security in Slagelse was inaugurated in november 2015, where all 30 patients during a big sikkerhedsopbud was moved from the ’old’ Security in Nykøbing Sjælland for the new and state of the art Security in Slagelse.

Here is the level of security again screwed up. It is almost 100 years ago, Denmark got its first Security, which was inaugurated in Nykøbing Sjælland in 1918.

There are 110 employees to take care of the 30 patients, who are either sentenced to placement or are moved there on a ’farlighedsdekret’ issued by the ministry of justice.

There are also particularly dangerous varetægtsarrestanter, which are therefore not sentenced yet, and people who need to mentalundersøges under great security.

The physical security with high walls, fences, stålgitre, panserglas, video surveillance, and alarms is only a part of the security. Staff must never be under-staffed –both for the inmates and for the safety of personnel. But it is so difficult to get staff to Ensuring that security company G4S is contracted to provide guards available.

Until 1996 there were only men on the Fuse, but the year became the first woman admitted, and in 2015 there were three women on the Fuse.

the Patients staying an average of seven-eight years on the Fuse, before they are printed, typically to the general psychiatric department. Two patients have spent over 30 years on the Fuse. 40 percent of the inpatients are of the ethnic origin.

One of the most well-known inmate was dobbeltmorderen Naum Conevski, who shot two teenage boys at Femøren. He spent 10 years on the Fuse from 1988 to 1998 on a farlighedsdekret, because he became insane in prison, where he served a lifetime. In 1998, he moved to St. His, where he has been since. He has just been denied release after 33 years.

so Far it has not succeeded for anyone to escape from the Fuse. Photo: Mads Nissen/Ritzau Scanpix