It has been fixed in a while, that Aalborg Pirates-winner Metal the League’s base game, and Rødovre Mighty Bulls will sneak in the playoffs on the outermost mandate.

It also means that the two teams should meet in the quarter-finals, and Friday night gave the two each other a taste on how it will be. Seen with Rødovres glasses, it was not quite uplifting.

at Home in Tucson was the team run out of the ice of the ishockeyligaens sovereign top team, who prevailed with a 5-2 after a show of strength, where only a few trøstmål finally got the outcome to see less poor out.

the Spectators in Rødovre Centrum Arena stood gaping empty since the rampaging coronaviruses had received the Danish ice Hockey Union to order the empty grandstands for all matches in the round.

On the ice stood Aalborg at it all from the start.

in Particular, could the home team did not manage Aalborg-chain, with Thomas Spelling and Pier-Olivier Morin.

He stood for the match’s first goal and dished up with the assists for the next three scores. Morin offered with two goals and two assists on the same four scores.

First, with a minute left of the match was Marko Virtala adorned on the outcome with a scoring in the powerplay to 1-5 and shortly after got Rødovre even a scoring of cosmetic importance.

Aalborg hammered 42 skudforsøg off to Rødovre target, while the opposite end was just 19 attempts. It shows very well who sat in on the fight.

The two teams can look forward to a kvartfinaleserie, waiting, before long, on the coronavirusfrygten allow it. The series goes up to a maximum of seven showdown.

Esbjerg Energy took a home win over the masters from Rungsted Seier Capital at 3-0, while the Herning Blue Fox held on to the league’s second-place finish with a 6-3 win over Herlev Eagles.

In the last fight of water of south Jutland with a 2-0 victory on foreign ice over the Frederikshavn White Hawks.