The 41-year-old executive vice-president in the Freeway group, Mia Wagner, is sent in coronakarantæne by the Agency for Patient safety.

It informs forretningskvinden, which is known in the general population as one of the ‘lions’ in the ‘Lion Cave’ in the DR, on Instagram.

‘Then it was my turn’, begins her video-recording with.

– If I look a bit tired, it is because the bell is a little over 23: 00 and I have been called by the Agency for Patient safety, who asked me to go in quarantine for the next 14 days, says Mia Wagner, but there on the screen are pictures of three ‘thumbs up’ and the text: ‘I have no symptoms’.

It is something that affects her deeply, one can see and not least hear on the recording on Instagram, as her voice breaks as she tells:

– I am a little sorry, for I have two cute daughters, who are very, very bored of having to do without their mother, ” she says, and continues:

– But it means, I am in the process of package and on a little should I run in the cottage.

It is uncertain as to why the suspicions about Mia Wagner’s possible exposure to coronasmitte have emerged, but the Extra Leaf will try to get a comment from forretningskvinden as soon as possible.