the Island declares state of emergency after two people have been infected with coronavirus in the Island.

There is talk about a man and a woman in the 50’s and 60’s.

Six people were on Friday tested positive, and it brings the total number of infected on the Island, up on the 43.

The writing of the icelandic language media Iceland Monitor.

With the exception of the two who have been infected on the Island, can the rest of the cases be traced back to Italy and Austria, where the infected have been on skiing holidays.

None of the 43 infected is severely ill, writes the icelandic media.

Iceland has not introduced a ban on large gatherings, but according to the authorities, approaching the time of such announcement himself.

A ban on public gatherings is one of the most effective tools that we have in our toolbox to slow down the spread of the virus. We must use it properly and in as efficient a way as possible.

– We are not there yet, but we think it is inevitable to go the road at a time, it sounded from the chefkommisær Víðir Reynisson at a news conference.

Iceland got its first case of corona virus in the last week.

One was diagnosed on Friday, 28. February, while the two following were confirmed on Sunday the 1. march.

About 400 people on the Island have been tested for coronaviruses, after having been in contact with infected persons.

In Denmark, is the 23 infected, while 425 is in quarantine.

Globally is the button 101.800 persons infected with the coronavirus. The virus has claimed the lives of about 3700 people worldwide.