– Is there anything to say to that, people flee from small towns?

– It becomes more and more difficult to stay there!

Bus services axed, shops door and now lay down to lægevagten.

How to write Susanne A in one of the more than 200 comments, which today is written on TV2 Nord Facebookprofil about the anger nordjyder, today protested against the closure of lægevagterne in Brovst, Farsø and Skagen.

Region north Jutland, has entered into a new agreement with the general Practitioners Organisation (PLO), it means that citizens of the three municipalities from 1. march must run far to to meet a doctor on call. And therefore there was a demonstration today:

– Great to see so many attendees!

– Thank you for fighting for us, who could not be there today, writes Michelle in another comment, while Lene’s is more concerned that regionsborgmester Ulla Astman had to stop his speech to the demonstrators, when they began to sing:

See also: Teddy bear is putting on his new doctor: Said I could just lose myself

– Now listen our dear elected officials of course as well as never on the citizens.

– as soon As they have been chosen.. so it’s all just about to rage to himself and to his.. And here it is the reverse situation.

Citizens did not bother to listen at levebrøds policies, writes Lene and Martin’s agrees:

– I don’t think people are interested in explanations.

– They will just have a doctor on call, which works, writes Martin, but what are you thinking?