‘Flat’, ‘confusing’, ‘plattenslageri’ and ‘devoid of musicality and soul’.

the Above are only a sample of the hard words, which the Danish reviewers have had to say about ‘dancing with the stars – The Musical’, which premiered at the end of February.

One of the best-known danes, who are in the musical, is Morten Kjeldgaard, who for several years has been one of the professional dancers in ‘dancing with the stars’ on TV2.

See also: Cancels: – I have mega bad conscience

He, however, takes the criticism from critics with lofty calm.

– How are you with it? It was perhaps okay with. It’s okay, he said, the Extra Bladet met him on the red carpet, in connection with the ” movie premiere gala of ‘The bald hairdresser – The Musical’.

– The few reviews I’ve seen, which I feel is not that we, or I personally, are being denigrated. It is the taste and preference. And it is indeed a performance, where it could both be a boy and a girl, not?, he said with a smile.

Morten Kjeldgaard (left) together with her boyfriend, Frederick Haun. Photo: Mogens Flindt

According to Morten Kjeldgaard is he even happy with how the show is put together.

– No seems, perhaps, that it was a little mess, and others think that it was really good, not?, he said, and added:

– I am even proud of it. I think it is so great to make it, and people who are really cute, so we have a party out there, and it is nice to meet all of the people out there afterwards, and they just think it is mega fat. It is indeed important. And the audience is happy, when we’re doing the performance. As it warms the.

the Musical, based on the TV2 programme ‘dancing with the stars’, has received a lot of harsh words on their way. Photo credit: Mikos Szabo

Right now is Morten Kjeldgaard, however, put out of the game, after he has received an injury in the knee during one of the performances shortly after the premiere. It means that he can’t be with in the musical for at least 14 days.

– I think it’s going forward with the knee. But now the time will show whether it is essentially do it when I need to have a scan now here on Tuesday, and before that I do not know really more, he said, and added:

– I have just been up on the bike for the first time today. I also think it is a big step, and I can also drive a car and something like that, so I think the, that it goes okay. However, I can’t dance, unfortunately. I dare not throw myself into it. Right now they have a replacement for me in any case within 14 days.

See also: Actor in the accident just before the premiere: – I stortudede