the Man in the overvågningsvideoen is wanted for an aggravated assault with brass knuckles on a 20-year-old man. Police are calling for him now with a half year delay.

the attack took place on the main street at the junction of east Street and New Street the 19. July 2019 at. 05.09, writes the police in a press release.

The constituency, together with two peers have heckled the 20-year-old, who in response asked the group to relax.

It was the missing man to beat the 20-year-old in the left side of the head with brass knuckles.

Battle left the 20-year-old with a heavily bleeding, for about four centimeter long gash above the eye.

the Offender is described as 18-20 years old, 170-180 centimeters tall, plain building, with short brown hair.
He was wearing dark jacket, dark pants and grey shoes with white soles at the time of the offence. He speaks Danish.

If you recognize the offender, please contact the Copenhagen Police on 114 or