The leading Danish stock index, C25, Monday ended with the largest endagsfald, since the index was created at the end of 2016.

It fell with 5,49 percent, writes Ritzau Finance.

Thus was the previous record low from 24. February this year, beaten. Here, the index fell by 3.8 percent.

Monday’s decline comes as a result of a large drop in oil prices, and because of the continuing prevalence of coronavirus has created nervousness in global stock markets, writes Ritzau Finance.

on Monday ended all of the shares in the index with red numbers, and the worst of it went to Danske Bank and Novozymes. They ended with a dive of respectively 11.4 percent and 9,8 percent.

C25-the index was created the 19. december 2016.

It consists of a total of 24 companies – but the 25 shares. It is due to the transport and logistikkoncernen A. P. Møller-Mærsk is represented with both an a – and B-share in the index.

Also in Norway have coronaskrækken and the plummeted oil prices sent the index in the bottom. Here fell the main index at the Oslo stock Exchange with a good eight per cent, which is the largest decline since 2008, writes NRK.