the State must cough up financial compensation for lack of entréindtægter, because the Danish teams follow the government’s recommendation in coronaspørgsmålet.

How does it sound from the Danish ice Hockey Union (DIU) director, Ulrik Larsen, after having been at a crisis meeting with the leaders of the financial pressure clubs in the best ishockeyrække, Metal the League.

– Some of it to be spoken about, is one or another form of compensation. Our clubs are not super well-founded. It can bring ligaklubberne in danger, says Ulrik Larsen.

Ishockeysporten calls at the same time, much clearer guidelines from the authorities than the recommendation, to events with over 1000 people should be postponed or cancelled in the rest of the march.

the DIU’s director will have a real injunction from the government.

– It is simply too easy to stand up and say something. It leaves our clubs in a very unsatisfactory situation. It is completely unsustainable, ” says Ulrik Larsen.

He affirms, that there is no question of going against the government’s recommendation and play fighting with spectators in the hall.

– We respect the messages that have come. There must not be any doubt about that. However, we expect that there will be something more clear to us: What is it really want we need to do?

– Shall we have a game with 999 spectators? Or is it just a number that is chosen because it is what has been done in other countries. It is important for us to get the injunction, says Ulrik Larsen.

At Monday’s crisis meeting decided ishockeyklubberne to postpone this season’s endgame, until it is again possible to get spectators in the hall.

Lack of revenue from the popular endgame can be disastrous for some clubs, points out the director.

This is extremely unfortunate, for it is vital months, it hits the down in. It had been in september and October, so it was probably gone.

– These slutspilsmåneder will not come back. It is lost business and revenue, and it is not to save, says Ulrik Larsen.

Ishockeysporten do not stand alone in the requirement of compensation for the missed revenue. Also the football clubs are ready to go to the government, informs Divisionsforeningens director, Claus Thomsen.

Prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) foreshadows that there may be help on the way to some of those who will be affected by the fact that parts of the country to be shut down in order to combat virusspredningen.

– Now we have today and over the weekend talked a lot with the social partners and with the business community.

– I think it is quite natural that the next step is that we take a similar talk and have a proper discussion with both the voluntary sector in Denmark and the culture and idrætslivet, for there are many people who are going to be affected by it here, unfortunately.

We now come to the concrete to present ideas both on the basis of the consultations, there have been over the weekend and the specific discussions we have had today both on the compensation and liquidity.

– we hope to present in the course of the next day, and that we are going to be concrete, says the prime minister.

Ishockeyklubberne hope that spectators will soon be welcome in the halls again, so the playoffs can start. Otherwise, the consequences can be serious, says unionsdirektøren.

– If we do not come in time, so there are zero dollars in revenue from the now, and in the rest of the season, says Ulrik Larsen, who compares the situation with 2009, when the sport was last in a deep crisis.

– We had a very, very serious meeting, when the financial crisis hit, and we had four or five bankruptcies of a season. The meeting today (Monday, red.) had the same seriousness as it was then, says Ulrik Larsen.

In the last season had the clubs in the average 2634 spectators to slutspilskampene. In the base game went in the cut 1457 people through the turnstiles.

ice Hockey – 9. mar. 2020 – pm. 13:35 Endgame postponed indefinitely

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