The strict rules which already makes itself felt in the Lombardy region, is now extended to the whole country.

The typing of Italy’s two largest newspapers Corriera Della Serra and La Repubblica.

the Closure will affect the country’s 60 million inhabitants, and among other things, means that you must prove that you have an appropriate basis to move between the regions of the country, and that they do not have any signs of the disease.

in Addition, public gatherings have been made public including the closure of cinemas, theatres, gyms, bars and discos, while all weddings and funerals to be cancelled.

Earlier Monday was all public sports, as well as Serie A also cancelled up to 3. april.

All schools and universities remain closed also closed until 3. april.

It is the Italian president Giuseppe Conte, who has taken the drastic step to shut down in the country.

He does it according to Reuters, in order to reduce the prevalence of coronavirus and to ensure that there is the least possible of the nation’s vulnerable citizens, who are becoming infected.

After the shutdown, he invites people to stay at home.

According to Johns Hopkins University’s mapping of coronavirussen, Italy has a total of 9172 smittetilfælde, 463 deaths and 724 have been reported healthy.

According to La Repubblica distributes the dead man’s age as follows: A percentage between 50 to 59 years; 10 percent, from 60 to 69 years; 31% are 70 to 79 years old; 44 percent are 80 to 89 years; 14 percent is over 90 years old.

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