president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, has not been tested for coronaviruses.

It informs The White House on the night of Tuesday local time, writes the news agency Reuters.

the Announcement comes after the two republican congressmen have gone into self-imposed quarantine, because they have participated in a conference with a person who is infected. The two have recently had contact with the president.

one flew Monday with Trump from Florida to Washington, after Trump had spent the weekend at his golf resort.

It has raised concerns that Trump may have been exposed to coronavirusset.

– the President has not been tested for coronaviruses, because he has not had prolonged, close contact with a confirmed smittetilfælde or exhibit symptoms, said spokeswoman for The White House Stephanie Grisham.

– President of the Trump is still in excellent health, and his doctors will continue to keep a close eye on him.

Trump have in recent weeks downplayed the seriousness of the virusudbruddet, writes news agency AFP.

He has defended his government against charges of not handling the outbreak well enough. Just as he has attacked the Democrats and the media of exaggerating the crisis in order to damage him politically.

Among other things, Bernie Sanders, who hopes to be the Democratic presidential candidate, at the election in november, has criticized Trumps rhetoric.

– Trumps reckless statements confuses people in this country and abroad, he said during his election campaign in the state of Michigan.

In Florida at the weekend has Trump among other things, eating dinner with the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro has the night of Tuesday local time also downplayed the threat from virusudbruddet.

– I believe that the virus’s destructive forces overstated. Perhaps it will even exaggerated, for political reasons, said Bolsonaro.

on the Night of Sunday, Danish time has Trump, however, after a meeting with his advisers announced that he will propose a ‘comprehensive’ plan to Congress on Tuesday to curb the virus’s economic impact.

IN the UNITED states is 605 persons so far tested positive for coronavirus, while 22 people have died as a result of the virus.