the Louvre museum in Paris is closed, airlines reduces flights, and Venice gondolier must see for the tourists, which is sought away from the otherwise crowded channels.

because of the spread of the coronavirus are the tourists in the higher degree at home.

It can already be seen on the bottom line in the tourist industry. It says the EU commissioner for the internal market, Thierry Breton.

For the French TV channel BFMTV he said on Monday that it is assumed that the corona virus will cost the tourism industry in Europe 1 billion euros (7.5 billion euros) per month.

the Hotels in the EU have collectively lost two million overnight stays in January and February.

– the Chinese are not coming to Europe since January. It means that we have lost two million overnight stays. It is a billion euro each month since January, says Thierry Breton.

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In a press release, explains the Italian national tourism organization Assoturismo, that the tourists have cancelled hotel bookings for what amounts to 200 million euros (1.5 billion dollars), since it came forward that especially the northern regions are affected by many infected with the coronavirus.

– In the recent history of Italian tourism never experienced a crisis like this. It is the darkest time. Not even 9/11 had such a big impact, says Vittorio Messina, president of Assoturismo.

the Figures are based only on data from hotels, B&Bs and travel agencies. Thus is the lost earnings on the bars, museums, transport, restaurants and shops not counted.

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Tourism is according to the EU Commission, the third biggest sector in the EU economy. Tourism generates 10.3 per cent of the EU’s gdp and employs 27 million people.

the Chinese are the largest group of international guests in the EU. Subsequently, the americans and the russians.