Many people choose to stay at home and avoid unnecessary travel by plane because of smittefaren by coronaviruses.

But with the many money from your pocket, choose, increasingly, an alternative: private jets.

While most of the luftfartindustrien suffer from the spread of the coronavirus, so it goes good for several of the companies, providing private air travel. It writes CNN.

According to the swiss provider of private air travel, Luna Jets, the company has in February experienced a big increase in demand.

In February, they saw a increase of 15 percent, related to the coronavirus. Now it’s 30 percent.

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Alain Leboursier, sales director at Luna Jets, tells that it is a entirely new types of customers that normally would not rent a private plane.

– We got about 200 inquiries in the Sunday. 60 of them were from the coronavirus regions. Either the people would flee away, or they had important business, says Alain Leboursier to CNN.

Several other operators of private jets telling similar stories. The american company Paramount Business Jets tells of an even higher increase.

– We have seen everything from 100 percent to 300 percent increase in inquiries depending on the regions globally, says Richard Zaher, ceo of Paramount Business Jets.

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It is typically customers, as before, would fly in business class or first class in a commercial plane, there are now choosing the private aircraft, sounds.

for instance, There are several large companies that arranges private planes for their executives, but also sick citizens who do not want to take chances. The airlines are also experiencing that the rich families from the north of Italy, choose privatflyet to escape from the virus and the karantæneramte areas.

Yann-Guillaume Jaccard, director of Simply Jet, tells of several wealthy families from the coronavirus ‘hotspots’ which are moved from Europe to south America with the intention ‘to be there for the situation to be stabilised’.

– It is a query, as we have seen in the past. We are quite surprised to find out that some people actually are willing to move away in an unknown period of time until they have more information and know how it develops, says Yann-Guillaume Jaccard.

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Several of the companies expresses, nevertheless, concern for the future, although right now is a great demand for their aircraft.

For the economy also suffers from the coronavirussen, and it will affect how much money people have to fly in private jets.

– If everything falls by 25 percent over the next few months, it also means that our clients maybe will have to fire employees, they may need to close a plant, or also they experience a general decrease in demand for their products over a longer period of time, says Yann-Guillaume Jaccard, director of Simply Jet.