Prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) has taken the new methods in use to share information about the coronavirus.

She has specifically taken videotjenesten YouTube in use, where she, together with youtuberen Alexander Husum tells about the coronavirus.

What does she do in a video on his channel, which has 382.000 subscribers.

– Welcome to the office of the prime minister for a press conference on corona. I tend to stand here these days with a number of persons from the Danish authorities. It is somewhat different today, initiates Mette Frederiksen in the video.

– We are the first time with a press conference on YouTube. And next to me is Alexander. And we will focus today on some of it, that may not be talked about in the other press conferences. Namely, how should one be in coronaspørgsmålet, when you’re young, says Mette Frederiksen.

the Video is posted on YouTube Friday. Late Friday evening, it has received over 45,000 views.

– I will come to in the day to talk with the same seriousness as other press conferences since we are in a very, very serious situation, ” continues Mette Frederiksen in the video.

Mette Frederiksen’s message is, in particular, that young people must also change their behavior, even if coronavirusset immediately is not dangerous for themselves.

– don’t do anything that might cause the infection to spread out of consideration for others. The corona is a very dangerous disease, if you are old and weakened by the cause.

– It can be your grandparents, for example, says Mette Frederiksen.

at the end of the video takes Alexander Husum, as a young person at the press conference asks a question. Here, he speaks about what young people are allowed and not allowed.

– There are many of you who are in doubt about what you do. In may be together with your friends, take to parties and such things.

– I’d like to be your friends, just not seven, which is located together under the same blanket and watching Netflix, he says.

He concludes with a call for people who watch the video, share it with their friends.