It was laid up for one hell of a gathering, when Jørgen Olsen on Sunday the age of 70 years.

the Day had to be celebrated with lots of friends and music at a brown café in Copenhagen. But like so much else in this time is the party cancelled – at least for now.

– I’m sorry. I had been looking forward to, ” says Jørgen Olsen, however, is not a second in doubt that it is the right decision.

– You will not expose his best friends for the danger. They would well be able to cope with it, but they come together with someone who may not be able to. So it is public spirit to cancel, says Jørgen Olsen and continues:

– Maybe I can beat me with the queen at a later date, and celebrated the double round birthday, he laughs.

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Despite the honest and sad situation, so trying Jørgen Olsen to see the positive in the cancelled event.

– We must all make sacrifices in this time. So it is no longer. And such a party, there is the opportunity to do about, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

Jørgen Olsen’s celebration should have been held at Café Sorgenfri, and he has great praise for them for their handling of the coronasituationen.

– They have even contacted me to hear if it was not best for me to cancel. They have not once demanded some money. I hope I can keep it there, when it can be done for the virus, he says.

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Celebrated his 70th birthday – although to a somewhat lesser extent.

– My two daughters come. It is unfortunately without my grandchildren. They are cold and ordinary flu so that they do not get along. But I am glad now that my wife and I will be together with our girls. Sometimes you get spoken a little more in depth, when there are no children, so it’s gonna be a good day.

Jørgen Olsen is coronasituationen quiet.

– It provides time for thought. You don’t always think about life when it all just runs, he says, and sends a broadside to all the danes who hoard.

– It is simply not in order. They should be ashamed, he states.