After 14 days in coronakarantæne is a journalist and tv host Karen-Helene Hjorth again free, and earlier in the day she could once again hug his seven-year-old daughter.

– It’s fantastic. Absolutely amazing, says the tv host for Extra Magazine and uses the same words to describe what it was like to see his daughter again after two weeks without physical contact.

– Well, it was absolutely amazing. She has already said that now I stop to kiss on her, laughing Karen-Helene Hjorth.

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much has happened in Denmark since the Karen-Helene Hjorth two weeks ago went into quarantine because she had been in contact with the first coronasmittede, TV2-journalist Jacob Take Ramlyng.

Students and school pupils not in school in the next two weeks, which is also where public employees without critical functions must stay free and stay home, while day care centers also will be closed. It informed the prime minister Mette Frederiksen at a press conference Wednesday evening.

– I can’t help to think that we now have all been put in one form or another for hjemmekarantæne – just in a smaller scale. So on the way I have a head start compared to everyone else, she says.

Karen-Helene Hjorth was not infected and has Thursday been allowed to come out into reality again. Photo: Claus Troelsgaard/TV 2

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Karen-Helene Hjorth, however, should not keep within in the coming weeks. She needs to be back at work but in private life she has taken the consequences of Wednesday’s news conference.

– I have cancelled everything, which is nice to have. There is only need to have back, ” she says, and tells that it will not be a problem to get it all to go up with the daughter.

– My ex-husband has just got the message that he must work from home for the next 14 days, so we have not pasningsproblemer on the way.

While the daughter should not be in the school or institution in the coming weeks, so hope TV2-host is not that the seven-year girl absolutely must do without friends and girlfriends in the period.

– We must try to make some play dates in small groups, so they just get to see each other a little bit. I should of course have checked up on what they say about it, but I think it is okay, she says.

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recent weeks have not been easy for Karen-Helene Hjorth, and she is pleased that it is over. But the time she has tried to exploit the positive.

– I have made some practical things here at home. I have divided the days a little and got the fabric on, so I have trained in the morning and in the afternoon I have made some of the things you never get done, unless you are confined in his home for two weeks, ” she says, and continues:

– Such as defrosting the freezer, cleaning the oven, sorting the kitchen cupboards and all that kind of thing. So I have in one way or another also felt my useful in a pretty useless situation.

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