as long As the soil temperature is not above 7 degrees, there is no growth. The best advice in march is therefore to have patience a little longer.

don’t Go on the lawn more than necessary, if march is cold. Tear off otherwise the leaves out with a gummirive. Check the soil pH with litmus paper. It is under 7, it may bl.a. give the moss in the lawn. Sprinkle in where appropriate perlekalk out on the lawn: 5-10 kilos per. 100 m2.

Care of the lawn

the Moss to be removed easily in march and april, where mospuderne often loose. You can remove the moss with a rake, lawn mower, electric mosfjerner, pesticides or a vertikalskærer.

In march, sitting in the moss most often resolved, and would you like to have a mosfri lawn, it is therefore a good time to remove it. Photo: Olivia Kristensen

March is a good month for pruning. All shrubs and fruit trees (not, however, plum trees and cherry trees) can be pruned now. Wait with a big pruning of roses and lavender until the beginning of april.

the Choice of trees and shrubs for the easy have

Remove weeds in the vegetable garden. Kultivér the ground with a good cultivator. Lay the plastic out on the ground and attach with tiles or stone, so that the preheater you the earth and can on some weeks tyvstarte with early vegetables. Style possibly. larger cloches on the ground, so that they can function as mini-greenhouses.

March/april is the best time to start with to fight the weeds in the garden. It is easy to see the tares, as it often begins to grow earlier than the garden’s other plants. On a summer ukrudtsplanterne had longer roots and are therefore harder to pull up.

Lug either garden beds through weed ca. every three weeks from march/april until midsummer, or go for a haverunde each or every other day, and remove the weeds, you see.

Cut and soignér stauderne in the flower garden and the cuttings wilted frøstande. Part and omplant stauderne in the flower beds, if the earth end of the month is fairly dry.

March is a good month to plant barrodede plants, e.g. hedge plants and shrubs. Early planting gives good opportunity for survival. Plant e.g. forsythia, ribes, kirsebærkornel, climbing vinterjasmin and troldnød (Hamamelis), which blooms in late march.

Wait to plant summer flowers – it always goes wrong if you do it in march. Instead, choose pansies, forget-me-and daisies – they can be clear nights with frost and is beautiful until midsummer.

Move evs. flowering spring onions, but be careful. Connector down in the soil around the bulbs with a spade. Plug the spade under the bulbs and gently lift up.

How to get flowers in the flowerbed throughout the summer

Inserts or clip withered branches and shoots of the plants. Cut or clip always returns to the places where there is green in the bark, or visible green shoots or buds.

How to combat you weed in the garden

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