At the Funen Police will now take tougher action against the so-called vanvidsbilister.

Earlier this year presented the government a series of measures to make life more miserable for the so-called vanvidsbilister. Among other things, it must be possible for the police to seize and auction off the cars that have a vanvidsbilist behind the wheel, completely irrespective of the vehicle ownership.

But with The Police they will now also in the higher degree to ensure that the licence smoking with the same, if one is guilty of vanvidsbilisme.

Fyn’s Police informs in a press release, that they will take tougher action against the drivers who run vanvidskørsel past the police fotovogne and Automatic Trafikkontroller (ATK).

It has long been possible for the police to take the driving licence on the spot from drivers who drive more than 100 percent for the strong, but in practice, it has, according to the politikredsen been difficult to implement at the user interface to the measurements, since the drivers are not here to be stopped on the spot.

– We have now designed our procedure, we also take the driving licence of the drivers, as our LIBRARY colleagues blitzer. In practice, it happens by, as quickly as possible running out to the owner of the car, get identified the driver and withdraw the licence from this on the spot, says Preben Ingemansen, manager of operational traffic in the Funen Police, in a press release.

Strategy in Funen Police is now, that in hastighedssager with over a 100% speeding, regardless of whether it is ATK-cases or other types of hastighedssager, then according to the law of administrative involved as soon as possible, says Ingemansen.

See also: Police with rallying cry to the drivers: – It is your responsibility

Politikredsen comes in the same context, with two recent examples where it is successful the police to find the drivers of the cars, which have run significantly too fast past the DOC measurement.

while a DOC measure Wednesday 4. march blitzet a little over 200 drivers who drove too strong. Of the 200 ran the two over with a speed that was over 100 percent too high in relation to the maximum permissible speed, why they’re referred to as so-called ‘vanvidsbilister’.

one car was, according to The Police from a transportation company, and the driver was measured to run 102 km/h where the speed limit was 50 km/h. He got after the identification Friday 6. march administratively withdrawn from driving, until the final judgment falls.

The other was a passenger car, which was measured to be 111 km/h. Here was a young man who had borrowed his father’s car, and after the identification Friday 6. march was also administratively withdrawn from driving until the final judgment.

Bødetaksten in both cases is 6000 dkk, plus $ 500. to Offerfonden. Of the other hastighedssager was the approximately 30 klipsager.

See also: Will have the same rules by accident: ‘Do as on the island of Funen’