Police in London are right now on the hunt for four men who on Tuesday night broke into the Jan Vertonghens home in London.

the Defender was even with his team in Germany to play the second leg against RB Leipzig in the Champions League. It was perhaps, therefore, that the thieves selected precisely on Tuesday evening a little before at 21:00.

Vertonghen was not at home, but it was his family unfortunately. His wife, Sophie De Vries, and the couple’s two small children got a nasty surprise when four masked men tiltvang access to the house.

the Daily Mail learns that the four men threatened the terrified family with knives and machetes.

the Incident has subsequently been confirmed by the Metropolitan Police, says that no one is arrested, and that they are investigating the matter.

The four men demanded values and cash, but stack, according to the Daily Mail, of with electronic products.

Fortunately came to no harm.

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