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a Wife and three children were ready to take against the father in the parking lot outside of Jyderup Prison, when the inmates, who were on their way to weekendorlov just had to have a message.

– As announced by a female prison officer, to ‘come out’, says a 35-year-old inmate, who is serving a drugs – and våbendom in the open prison to Ekstra Bladet.

Justification for the spontaneous curfew? Corona.

– to begin with responded to someone by saying ‘now make In the fun, no? It may not fit.’, says a 30-year-old inserted.

None of them dare to come forward out of fear that it can bring to their possible release on parole in danger, or that they are simply being moved to a prison in another region of the country. Extra Magazine know their identity.

– We have children and wives who are already in despair, but the message is clear. We must not leave the area, then suddenly it open the prison has been closed imprisonment, continues the narkodømte man.

Inmates in both closed and open prisons, as here, the Danish Prison is frustrated that exit and leave are put on hold because of coronaviruses. Photo: Per Rasmussen

Coronavirussens the decommissioning of Denmark also has major implications for the inmates in the country’s officially closed prisons.

It tells the spokesman for a division in the Danish Prison in Nørre Alslev on Falster, denmark, to Ekstra Bladet.

– We may only get one visit per week and only immediate family. So it must for example not be a friend or one’s lawyer, said the spokesperson, who does not want his name published.

Extra Blade know his name and which department he represents.

– in Addition, we may not get on the end of the year or leave. Either accompanied or unaccompanied. An inmate should have been to his daughter’s birthday, but was denied the end of the year. For others it means that their transition process will be stopped. It makes no sense, when staff can go out and check, as usual, continues the spokesperson and tells us that the inmates do not have access to håndsprit or masks. It worries them, since they do not have any guarantee that the safety procedures in place for prison staff are being complied with properly.

– It is very frustrating. And the most frustrating part is that it is indefinitely, the spokesman said.

In Jyderup Prison and took the prisoners, which from one moment got cancelled their weekendplaner, the situation is fairly quiet.

– Who bother to put anything over the track in an open prison and risk having worse conditions. We are powerless and can do nothing, says the 35-year-old man.

He and the other prisoners wonder tremendously over the new measures, the prisons take upstairs coronapandemien.

– Fængselsbetjentene can just as easily be infected as the rest of us. They can come and go as it suits them. Much of the staff uses public transport to and from work. Several of us would have put us into a car and drive home and be with our families, and it is not that we fail to understand that the corona is serious, and can not take precautions like all sorts of other people, says the 35-year-old, which is being provoked by that you apparently believe that the inmates ‘is not competent enough in the heads to prevent coronavirus’.

His medindsatte votes in.

– Those of us who have undercutting to go to school every day and thus moves us out of the prison, understand well that when you close schools and educational institutions throughout the country, so it applies also, of course, us. But beyond schooling, we are in the process of reintegrating us to the community and would like to out of the criminal life and the environment. It is here stigmatize us, and we risk moving further and further away from our resocialiseringsmuligheder, says the man.

He estimates, in fact, that even though the inmates trying to rein in the frustration, then smoldering a oprørsstemning.

The two inmates in Jyderup Prison, which Ekstra Bladet has been in touch with, so would like a solution as interneringsophold by prison staff, so that they could reside in a vagtbolig and have 24-hour guards in, for example, a week at a time and then keep the two weeks free, where they could ensure that they had not coronasymptomer.

– It would, as a minimum, show the prisoners, that they also take our security seriously, says the 35-year-old man, whose children were very sorry to see your father on the other side of the fence without having to take him home.

– I have out of respect for them bildt, my children, that I’m at work instead of sitting inside, so it was a little hard to explain to them that I should be at work.

Probation: No one comes out

A not closer described number of inmates in Danish prisons are now excluded from the community, as they have shown symptoms of the coronavirus. It is done to limit the risks for the spread of infection. It informs Probation for Extra Magazine.

in Addition, Probation now closed its institutions for the new afsonere, writes DR.

‘Probation is looking very seriously at the situation, and can confirm that the efforts against corona virus also affects the country’s inmates. Concrete is f.ex. all udgangstilladelser been revoked, just as there are made restrictions in the inmates the opportunity to get a visit. The background of the actions is a desire in the greatest extent possible to prevent the corona virus from getting into prisons and jails’, informs koncernsikkerhedschef Lars Rau Brysting in a written opinion to the Ekstra Bladet.

He adds, to follow the health authorities ‘ recommendations, which they also inserted to be guided in.

Probation follows according to koncernsikkerhedschefen the situation closely and implement continuous actions, which are deemed to be necessary.

About the prisoners ‘ frustration write koncernsikkerhedschefen write, you understand:

‘But we need to take a number of precautions to limit the risks for contagion into prisons and jails, and it affects both prisoners and staff’.

Despite the understanding consider koncernsikkerhedschefen however, it is apparently not necessary to answer the inmates, what is to prevent the warders in spreading infection in prisons.

He is in any case gone by without a large number of the questions, Ekstra Bladet agreed to send him in writing.

The unanswered questions are here:

– How much meaning they give the prisoners ‘ limited rights, when the staff can go out and check, as they usually do?

According to the inmates in The Prison are the inmates, neither the access to håndsprit or masks. It worries them, since they do not have any guarantee that the safety procedures in place for prison staff are being complied with properly. How sound is the Prison management of coronavirussen in your facilities?

– How to avoid that prison guards infecting inmates?

– Can the In your eyes not as much as other visitors to be carrying the virus?

Inmates in Jyderup Prison was suddenly denied exit Friday afternoon. It they got to know, as they stood ready with their bags packed, while several relatives waited outside. The degree considers the Probation, that it is a human treatment of the in advance of detained persons?

– Why could you not have informed the question in the proper time?

– A inserted should the other day have been transferred from Jyderup Prison for a pension. His mother had come to retrieve him, but was sent away again without the son, which suddenly had to be in prison. How can it hang together with the corona virus, as the question not having to return to prison, but just move into a pension as part of the transition from prison?