– It is totally unacceptable.
– But why are you doing as a government is not something – instead of just complaining time and time again.

It was one of the first things that your government should have taken care of.

– There must be action to. However came with no concrete proposals/actions.

– I know what I would choose. First voldsdom, so it’s out.

See also: Swedish women can not walk freely: Every third is afraid to go out

How to write Helle H in a popular comment (66 likes) on Mette Frederiksen’s Facebook profile.
the Prime minister wrote: in goes about three episodes from the Copenhagen and northern Zealand, and called the brutal violence, as three young people have been exposed, for the ‘uaccetabel’. But in the 503 comments, her lookup until now has been, there are several who, like Helle calls for action.

– Dear Mette Frederiksen. So do something about it!

– the Action and consequence is the only thing they understand, but they are just laughing of the people they trample on, and shows no respect and empathy for other people.

– So forth with the tommelskruerne NOW! After all, you are our prime minister, so any power you may have.

– Words are fine but action is better, writes Kasper J, who have got 60 likes, and Lotte are also waiting for to Mette’s anger will be translated into action:

– Well, then I’m very excited to see what you think we should do!

Until now, it has just become worse and worse to be a dane and easier and easier to be a foreigner.

– Everyone is SO afraid to say things as they are, and everyone is SO afraid to be called racists, so there is free rein for muslims to behave as they will, for we do not say who it is.

– now Came into the fight and protect your own people, and let only those who behave properly will be welcome here, writes Lotte, but what are you thinking?