MODICA (Ragusa) – his colleagues, the police of Modica, the suspected for months that the 10 of November of last year that big man in uniform he had killed the gay cook found with the trachea smashed in an apartment of this capital of the sicilian baroque. But the confirmation has come from the finding of fragments of Dna examination done by the military, the carabinieri of the Ris. And they are taken in handcuffs to David, Coral, 31 years old, a giant tall and strong, the biceps to fear ostentatious with pride on the page Facebook. Now, when questioned by the magistrates of the power of attorney directed by Fabio D’anna to clarify the actual contours of the motive. A policeman accused of having suffocated with his hands Peppe Lucifora, the chef was contended by the wealthy families of this rich corner of the province of Ragusa, a cook at the hospital of Modica, loved by all, including the parish priest of the city, Giovanni Stracquadanio, with whom he worked from “minion believer and the bearer of the effigy of St. George at the festa of the patron.

The confidences of Peppe

Ready to collect funds also for the celebrations of Santa Lucia, Peppe, like all of the friends called the victim, was not a mystery, and a little playing about his homosexuality by attending the most affluent in the area. Receiving and making confidences with the customers that called in the evening to arrange in the home refined meals. Loved, especially by the lord that at the end of the evening were all cleaned up to perfection. Spadellando the condiments, setting the table or sweeping at the end of the remains, Peppe told me all of himself. Is this, perhaps, when it was killed, the first thought went to the officer to whom is not concealed in the attendance.

track passionate

Not the case in mid-February surveys imbroccarono the road of passion, now confirmed by the prosecutor, his deputy Francesco Riccio, and by the gip Eleonora Schininà. But in February, the policeman was able to build an alibi credible. Vowing to be stayed away from home Lucifora the night of the murder. A horror consumed with a violence unheard of, according to coroner Joseph Iuvara: “Never seen a trachea so crushed, crushed by the arms and the hands so strong. Those who killed him has a strength of a lion. Must be a hefty…”. A detail that has been the lever to the investigations conducted by the carabinieri, colonel Giuseppe Marseglia, even if the first doubting of the context of the homosexual was the attorney Of Anna: “On Facebook Coral you put in a show with some women, but everything leads us to think of a dramatic end gained within interpersonal relationships”.

Key and phone gone

The murderer had disappeared, the cell phone of Joe Lucifora, never to be found again. And he had locked the chamber in which was found the corpse, both living room and bedroom. With keys that are never found. Here, a first hypothesis on the still sealed message to the mafia. But the examinations in the Ris seem to cut off any doubt about the presence of Coral in the scene of the crime, gained, perhaps, to erase the evidence of those “personal relationships.”