Even just to pronounce it, the word “protagonist” makes me think of him, the great actor who disappeared twenty years ago, on the 29th of June: Vittorio Gassman. But, as she writes Francesco Piccolo — in the word is not confined to the stature of the man. The homage of the Strega prize, and screenwriter, the protagonist of the film such as The great war, and The move opens “the Reading” #446, on newsstands over the weekend, and already on Saturday the 13 in the preview App (for smartphones and tablets, available on the App Store, for iPhone and iPad, or Google Play for Android). The portrait of a Gassman unexpected (the number also features one of his unpublished poems), complete with interviews of Valerio Hats to the children Paola, Victoria, Alexander and Jacopo, and to the son, that the wife of Gassman, Diletta D’andrea, had by Luciano Salce.

The cover of Nebojša Despotovic for the supplement #446 in the App of “Reading”

Many of the on the number of reflections around other personality. Back in the library, the novel Sophie’s choice by the american William Styron (from June 16, Mondadori): the supplement offers a preview of the afterword by Alessandro Piperno. Another great, Nobel prize for literature in 1933, it was the Russian Ivan Bunin (1879-1953): on the occasion of the release of the lord of San Francisco and other stories (Adelphi), Emanuele Trevi illustrates his literary world.

different themes are intertwined around the theme of health emergency: the writer Teresa Ciabatti interview Vincenzo Pennacchia, struck by the Covid and on awakening from a coma in another city; on populism and health, and on the resurgence of the complottismi writes Chiara Lalli. And the art star Damien Hirst proposes to “Read” two works of the new cycle, Butterfly, Heart and Butterfly Rainbow: a message of hope to the world hit by the virus, and a charity initiative for the National Health Service. Closes the number the story of the northern irish Jan Carson on an iceberg in the harbour of Belfast.

topical also the topic raised by the american of Korean origin Patty Yumi Cottrell, who tells the story Viviana Mazza his new Sorry for the noise (66thand2nd, in the library from June 25th) on racism in the Midwest: Saturday, June 13, the App of “the Reading”, the Theme of the Day of proposed opening. The Theme of the Day of the App is an extra daily, only digital, which elaborates the themes of the supplement in different areas, that Sunday, June 14, is a text by Stefania Ulivi which reconstructs the five stages in the career of a couple of Laurel and Hardy; while in the supplement Olive trees reminiscent of the professional experience of Laurel (Stan Laurel, at 130 years from birth) before he met Hardy (Oliver Hardy). The subscription to the App costs € 3.99 per month or 39,99 year, with a week for free. Those who subscribe are also available to the archive of “Reading” from 2011 to today, and an advanced search engine to date, topics, authors and categories. And, if they wish, can receive notifications from the editors and the newsletter that comes via email on the Friday (you can enroll, also independently from the App, by clicking here). The subscription can also be given as a present by accessing this page.