If you are stuck in lockdown and have gained weight, this is especially for you. During the lockdown, people have destroyed their daily routine, they are not only sleeping late, but they are also staying on their couch for the longest.

Walking to the park has been reduced to walking to the kitchen, and to make it even worse, work from home is the new thing. This means we have been robbed of daily activities that were meant for exercise, we are no longer taking a walk to the nearest subway station or sub stop, and everything is available at home, thanks to all the grocery apps and online shopping websites. According to recent stats, 60% of the people are expected to gain weight by the end of the lockdown.

This means we are moving towards a generation that will be lazy and obsess. Previously, everyone was working at their own pace without realizing that they were working out. A simple walk to the office or just shopping and running daily errands was a good workout.

Additionally, people were carrying groceries to their apartments, which was a good workout; however, now, with just one click, you can get everything right at your doorstep, and most people are hoping this will be soon a habit.

 Even after lockdown, most people will rely on these apps for buying daily household products.

For most fitness enthusiasts, lockdown might not be too harsh because they know how to work out. They have been following a good workout routine already, and even if they are missing the gym, they are familiar with the basic exercises that they can perform at home without using any equipment. All these things collectively are working in favor of people who were already going to the gym.

However, for people who have never worked out and are now getting conscious about their weight, this is a high time to take things seriously and know how the exercise and workout routine at home can be managed. For beginners, here is an easy-to-follow step by step guide that can help with sorting out the exercise routine.

Start with Stretching

Just like any other workout routine, your home workout routine should start with simple stretching. This can be static as well as dynamic stretching, depending on your goal. We would prefer you to start with the dynamic starching because you will be increasing the flexibility of your muscles as well. With the help of stretching, you will be able to attain every posture more effortlessly, and your overall exercise process will be relatively easy.

Yoga Is Base

Use yoga as your base exercises; it will help you stretch your muscles as well as help you calm your body and mind at the same time. If you feel overwhelmed by staying at home all the time, yoga will help you feel better.

This is a unique and relaxing exercise that will help you warm up and prepare for the actual exercise routine. Additionally, if you feel lazy, you can start yoga; this will help you feel more active and start your workout routine right away.

Besides this, yoga will also help you create your every day and feel more focused on your work. The best thing about yoga is that you don’t need any equipment and all you need is the right activewear.

Get Back to Dance

Dancing is a great way to burn calories. It can help you a lot with your workout routine as you stretch. The best thing about dancing is that you can enjoy this workout routine with your kids and family as well.

You don’t need to choreograph anything; all you need is good music and sportswear to enjoy it. However, you will be burning many calories, but this will not shape up your body as you want.

Set a Goal

To have a good workout routine, you need to set a goal first. This will help you burn fat from that area and retain the muscle only in that area. If you want to lose fat from the waist and tummy area, you need to start with the workout routine that helps you with that.

This will also help you determine how effective this can be; you can measure your progress and see how well you have worked. In case you don’t know the progress, you can also change the workout routine accordingly.

Sort Out the Routine

 After you have set your goal, you can search for a video or a lot of reading material that can help you understand your muscles and their position. Additionally, you will also know about maintaining your posture and alternative ways to make your exercises more effective with better versions.