the Prince Ernst August of Hanover (66) of the last year in freedom?

On Wednesday, the Prosecutor’s office of catfish IMAGE, confirmed information according to which charges against the Guelph Prince, because of his failures in the summer in the Austrian Almtal has been charged and threatened with up to three years in jail.

The indictment of four incidents on different days, in which the nobles every Time “in a state of full intoxication” have acted to lists. This will be evidenced by an expert opinion.

photo-documented the minutes of the public outburst.

▶︎ 14. 15. July: “The defendant is accused of repeated police attempts to prevent officials with violence and threat of various acts, and have also in part of the body injured,” said a spokesman for the Prosecutor’s office. After threats against its employees, Prince Ernst August should be at these days for placement in a psychiatric hospital demonstrated; moreover, his hunting weapons should be removed.

▶︎ 20. July: “The defendant is accused of a police officer using a baseball bat dangerously threatened.”

▶︎ 7. September: “he is accused of, the glazing of the dining room window of the property of the Herzog-von-Cumberland Stiftung the residential house damaged and have to tried the local employees-a married couple and their daughter by dangerous a threat to Leave the inhabited building is necessary.”

After this scandal strip surrounded by several police, the hunting Lodge of the Prince in Grünau. The scandal-cubs were born had to spend after two nights in prison, catfish and was not left under the pad is free to approach his employees and not to enter his property.