The wardrobe is full with clothes, on the shelf to dust a row of catchers to each other, and in the basement, the tools stack up. Most people have a lot more stuff around the house than you actually need. Hand on heart: In them there is no different, is it?

you can Use the beginning of the year, in order to ensure with a few simple Tricks permanently for order and to start with a clean slate into the new year.

In IMAGE clean-up-Coach Katharina auerswald explains how to do it properly.

clutter can make you sick

clutter is shown to lack of concentration and more Stress. psychologists DePaul University in Chicago found in a study that clutter, people can even make you unhappy, and many feel, therefore, at home less safe.

“disorder in the majority of cases, because we have too many things, and not being able to disconnect. The aim must be to own less and to create enough space for the things we really need,“ says Auerswald.

With these four tips, you can maintain order: