more parts in the last few months, signals come and an increase of pets that become part of the homes of the italians. The quarantine and lockdown are a prolonged period of “suspended time”, best tackled with a four-legged friend. The space in the home has become the comfort zone for excellence, to be filled with affections and presences reassuring . And thanks to the company of an animal, the loneliness confinement is dealt with more easily. Affectionate, playful, cats and dogs, we fill the day and, according to a study conducted by the University of York in the Uk especially at this time help to relieve the stress and sense of emptiness associated with the pandemic.

our pets are our mirror, the dogs learn to know the depths of our heart and feel what they feel. Our faithful friends are beings that are emotional and emotion is a force of nature as that of gravity, a force that often we humans oscuriamo through reason. A study published in Science argues that the symbiotic relationship between man and dog has started more than 30 thousand years ago. The dogs and the meek have learned to read very well the man in exchange for a food reward. The synergy of man and dog has become so strong that the body produces oxytocin (the hormone of good humor) even just stroking the fur of our pet. Here’s how pet therapy, defined already by the early Sixties by Boris Levinson, psychiatrist, and the american “intervention assisted with animals is a form of the fundamental of co-therapy between man and animal without to introduce side effects, a sort of practical support to other forms of therapy traditional. In other words, thanks to the proximity of the animal you can get in touch with the mind of the patient or, however, to give an added aid to the treatment of pain.

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Fatebenefratelli, animals in Paediatrics for the young patients

Away for free, then, to our four-legged friends in the wards of hospitals, accompanied by their providers, who are always the owners, for children, adults, the elderly and disabled in time of need, to support them and improve their mental and physical health. Proof of deep affection so as to become therapeutic. “A harmony delicate that between the animal and the patient that stimulates the activation of emotional, empathic, smiles, and a state of incomparable well-being, the alleviation of suffering caused by health problems and mental disorder,” explains Mario Colombo, President of Frida”s Friends, the non-profit organization he founded in march 2012 with the mission of promoting and carrying out projects of pet therapy in hospitals, homes for the elderly, schools and airports on the national territory. “It is scientifically proven — highlights Colombo — the contact with the 5 animals recognized by the guidelines of pet therapy or dog, cat, rabbit, donkey, horse, can make positive energy and become curative for a number of diseases psychological and physical.

The history of Frida”s Friends proves it. “In these eight years — says the founder — we have undertaken major projects all over the north of Italy, including the world’s first made for the victims of bullying and cyberbullying with the staff of Fatebenefratelli hospital – Lot of Milan where, in the department Home Pediatric, the project “Dogs in the fast Lane” has become a continuous and structured to give relief to the little patients.” Not only. In November, 2019 at the hospital Niguarda of Milan, started the project “I semblato of vedele a cat”, just as said the canary, Tweety bird cartoon. “This project is truly unique — highlights Columbus — made with cats Ragdoll, and turned to the children with impaired vision. The result of the three-month trial has been extraordinary, so much so that the hospital management has set it to be a continuous service for children in care”.

ideas in the pipeline are many. “Now our mission, we renamed #facciamorete! — says the president of Frida, Thanks to the support of three testimonial as Rosita Celentano, Paul Ruffini and singer-songwriter Carol Maritato we are on air on Mediaset channels until 21 November with the new spot social with fair sms. We want to go beyond Milan, to bring our projects in major hospitals of Italy, to bring a therapy certified and quality in a way that will, one day, recognized by the national health system. Famous faces that accompany us in this new challenge are important to involve other vips to raise awareness among institutions, to find national sponsors who support our work”. The pet therapy has short cropped an important role in the activities of care, “we Believe that the major reason in the historical period in which we are living, there is much more in need of our therapies in all the main structures — concluded Colombo —. The pet therapy over that pain medication is critical in cases of anxiety, stress, relational difficulties, and today, with the closures of the social due to the Covid19 children and the elderly are the subjects that most suffer from these diseases in the psycho-physical”. So the appeal to lend a hand through a donation by the number of supportive 45585, from a mobile or fixed network.