More than two million people in Germany suffer from depression. Especially during the Corona-lock downs many suffer from grief, Anxiety, and mood swings. However, these negative feelings are triggered only by external circumstances, or they may be hereditary?

Dr. Andreas Hagemann, specialist for psychiatry and psychotherapy, explains, whether in the origination of depression, the genetic predisposition plays a role and when they are triggered by heavy blows of fate.

In many diseases, the genetic predisposition has a major importance, so also in the case of depression, says the expert: “Suffer first-degree relatives suffering from depression, so the risk to become depressed is according to the latest scientific findings at approximately 15 percent, which corresponds approximately to the Double of the average value.”

In the case of monozygotic twins to develop the probability of even 50 per cent, if one twin is suffering from depression.

Positive Thinking protects us from depression

“But even more decisive than the genetic predisposition to the acquired predisposition and environmental factors are,” says the Medical Director of the Röher Park hospital in Eschweiler (North Rhine-Westphalia). Including experts understand the way someone has learned, with Stress, loss or other significant life circumstances to deal. “That should be already learned in the parents’ house,” says Dr. Hagemann. “From this, because, for example, a parent is yourself depressed, this is considered as an important negative environmental factor.” Anyone who thinks positive, is so resilient against upsets better. People with negative thinking patterns are at risk to a particular degree of depression. As well as those with high performance orientation, or the tendency to perfectionism.

Learn positive Thinking can be achieved by certain methods such as “Positive Mindset”. “Through these procedures we can deal better with Stress or mental injury, or a more constructive, positive way of thinking to develop,” assures the expert. The psychological Background: I challenges or problems with a positive attitude, so the body and Psyche experience a put in accordance with it.