As the world will be, “after”. The reflections of Alessandro Piperno and Sabino Cassese on the future of post-pandemic open a new issue de “la lettura”, the #479, on sale from Sunday, January 31 and Saturday 30 in the App (downloadable from App Store and Google Play or you can subscribe from here).

The front cover of Giovanni Rizzoli for “Reading” #479

in Addition to the new number, the App of “Reading”, which is distinct from that of “Corriere della Sera”, and offers a series of exclusive content (which are now accessible by subscribers also from the desktop, from subscriptions.the For example, the archive of all of the outputs from 2011 to present: more than 20 thousand items that can be explored with an advanced search engine.

those Who want to receive notifications, from the drafting and in the weekly newsletter of the insert. This week, arriving via email Friday, February 5, to subscribers (you can subscribe to here) and then available here throughout the week, opens with a reflection of Giampiero Rossi on the use of digital technology in agriculture; to follow the incipit of The book of the houses of Andrea Bajani (Feltrinelli) and the advice from the editors on what to read, watch, listen. The price of the subscription to the App of “Reading” is € 3.99 per month or 39,99 year, with a week free. The App can also donate by purchasing a Gift Card in the or from this page.

Every morning is proposed, and the Theme of the Day: a close examination, an interview, an anticipation, even through multimedia content. What Friday, February 5,, in care of Mary, the Egyptian, the Flask is dedicated to the rapper Kento (Reggio Calabria, 1976), alias Francis Charles, who wrote the first Italian manual for children and teens about hip hop, entitled You say in rap (Beaver, pp. 192, € 15) . For over a decade, Kento also organizes workshops for teens and adults held in prisons. On “la lettura” #479, newsstands, in the App, and from the desktop, the interview of Maria the Egyptian Fiaschetti the rapper italo-egyptian Amir Issaa, which in may will publish a book for schools, Education rap (Add editore).

, Among others, focus available in the section “Themes”, the articolodi Severino Colombo on novelty book for children dedicated to the relationship of young people with nature, while in the insert, it talks about the children’s book of Rachel Williams Floor plan… (Joints), which suggests 50 moments to discover a balance and a harmony with the environment. Then a path by Ida Bozzi, novels, and comic books in which the protagonists are the great English playwright William Shakespeare and his family: sons, brothers, cousins; and on “the Reading” by Alessia Rastelli interview with the author Maggie O’farrell, that puts you at the center of a novel the son of Shakespeare died at the age of 11. Available Themes in the beginning of the novel The taking of Singapore by J. G. Farrell (1935-1979), which concludes the Trilogy of the Empire”, which began with Riots and continued with The siege of Krishnapur. The book (translation of Francesca and Alessandra Repossi) is published by Neri Pozza, who had also published the other two. In the supplement to the newsstand App, the review of Livia Manera.

And again: the Theme of the Day signed by Luigi Ippolito, that explores the contemporary narrative of the United Kingdom through four recent entries, one for each of the nations that make it up: Ali Smith, author of a “quartet seasonal” English; Andrew O’hagan, giving voice to the young scots; Anna Burns, which tells the story of the political violence in northern ireland; and Brian, John, the author of the popular saga fantasy-historical welsh. On the “to Read” in the newsstand App screenwriter Stephen Amidon is also in charge of the scottish writer Douglas Stuart, winner of the Booker with the debut novel History of american comedian Bain (translation of Carlo Prosperi, Mondadori). Available in the Themes section, the incipit is also a preview of the new fantasy of british writer Susanna Clarke (1959), Piranesi, which was released on February 4 to Fazi, translated by Donatella Rizzati.

The ‘Themes’ section of the App also offers the profile of Nobel laureate Kazuo Ishiguro, by Matteo Persivale. The latter, in the insert #479, writes, Klara and the Sun, the new novel to be read in the preview, the british author of japanese origin. The book will be released in march in Britain and the Us, and may in Italy by Einaudi.

Back to the new number of the supplement, the #479, and reflection on the post-pandemic, on the one hand there is the “private”: Alessandro Piperno thinks about nostalgia born in these months of frugality, tax, first of all the one to consumerism and the superfluous, evoked by the hit Eighties of the group Wham! and by the moods of the post-war novels of Virginia Woolf. On the other hand, “public”: the constitutionalist Sabino Cassese analyzes the alarm for democracy in various parts of the West, and the need to identify “the guardians”, institutional, of course, for our freedom.

reconstruction Time. Touching this idea, Sandro Veronesi tells the story of the great novel by Raffaele La Capria, which was released sixty years ago, in 1961, Wounded to death, and back in the library on the 2nd of February for Mondadori. And also tells about the life of the dean of literature, The Capria: after the second world war, when he founded the magazine “the South” with a handful of other twenty-somethings, eager to rebuild.

And if there is a land seething with the future and export novels, cinema, theatre, and art, is Africa, with many of the protagonists: the writer Ngugi wa Thiong’or among the favourites for the Nobel, the award-winning director of the Lesotho Jeremiah Mosese, young artists like the congolese Amani Bodo or Troy Makaza of Zimbabwe. A focus kaleidoscopic, with articles by Cristina Taglietti, John, Coal, Cecilia Bressanelli, Laura as a missionary I, Stefano Bucci, Helmut Failoni & Michele First, for a journey to the continent vital and contemporary.