Gustave Flaubert was among the first to admit it: “Madame Bovary c’est moi”. And the game of mirrors between the author and the character has continued to evolve up to the current literature. The newsletter of “Reading”, on Friday, February 19, opens with a text by Marco Missiroli, reflects on the first-person singular (and its implications) in the literature. And in the insert #482, Saturday, February 20, in the preview in the App, and in the feeding web, on Sunday 21 on sale with the “Carrier”, the conversation between the Back and Rachel Cusk, one of the authors that has revolutionized the contemporary writing through the use of the first person singular, new and which comes out Tuesday, the 23rd, a new edition of the essay-memoir a life’s work. On becoming a mother (Einaudi).

newsletter arrives via email on Friday to subscribers (you can subscribe from here) and to subscribers to the App of the insert. For the latter, it remains accessible for a week from here. The newsletter of this week, in addition to the Back and to the advice from the editors on what to read, watch and listen to, the incipit is a preview of the Blood restless (in the library for Salani from 25 February), the new novel by Robert Galbraith, aka J. K. Rowling when she writes thrillers. He writes Severino Colombo in the new issue of the insert.

App de “la lettura” (distinct from that of “the Courier”), proposes the new number in the preview to Saturday, and the archive of all the outputs of the insert from 2011: more than 20 thousand items that can be explored with an advanced search engine. In addition, each morning offers the Theme of the Day, u focus extra digital only. For subscribers, the content of the App are visible from the desktop. From here you can start the subscription (€3.99 per month or 39,99 year, with a free week), or the App you download from the App Store (iPhone and iPad) and Google Play (Android). The subscription can be given as a present by purchasing a Gift Card in the or from this page.