“Saturday Night Live” took on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the recent ousting of Rep. Liz Cheney by House Republicans during its latest”Weekend Update” segment.

Since the show did in its own cold open, both began”Weekend Update” by discussing the recent announcement by the CDC that completely vaccinated people no longer have to wear masks, even despite that new conclusion coming with some significant exceptions, such as public transport, schools and hospitals.

“Guys, fantastic news this week, the CDC announced that fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to put on masks or socially space,” Jost began. “Except if you go to many places.

He continued by taking a rare shot at President Biden, who helped announce the big news from the CDC last week.

“Following the statement, President Biden advised Americans to’take off your mask and smile,’ even though’take it off and smile’ is the first example in every workplace harassment movie,” he joked.

Che subsequently discussed the current research linking contracting the coronavirus into increased erectile dysfunction along with a diminished penis size in men.

“Now that is the way you market some masks,” the comic joked. “Fauci, even if you would like people to get vaccinated, you need to conduct this. Forget’Stop the Spread,’ it ought to be’Cease the Shrink.'”

Che then transitioned into speaking about Cheney, that had been ousted in the job as House GOP Conference chair after remaining steadfast in her opposition to former President Donald Trump.

“House Republicans voted to remove Liz Cheney from her party leadership job later she continued to challenge Donald Trump’s lie which the election was stolen,” Che said. “Wow, I never thought I would find myself feeling bad for Liz Cheney, and… I had been right, I don’t.”

The show wasn’t completed lambasting Cheney there. Cast member Kate McKinnon combined the comedic duo on point as the Wyoming Republican to lament the Republican Party turning her.

“Colin, the Republican Party is now changing. I really don’t understand what happened. I really don’t know what I did wrong,” the artificial Cheney lamented. “Look at me, I am everything a conservative woman is supposed to be. Blonde, mean”

When Jost inquired if there was more to her record, Cheney responded,”I was done.”

Cheney went on to insist that she was going to usher in the”grand implosion of Trumpism” along with her”brave” and loyal staying Democratic allies before record several men and women who aren’t Republicans or are not her allies. Finally, McKinnon’s Cheney got so distressed she issued some frank talk to her party.

“Republicans, I’m trying to spare you. You’re like horses who won’t leave a burning barn. You are going to die!” She said. “Accept the aid. Trump lost, to my chagrin. I voted for him. I loved him like a direct sister however he dropped and he incited a riot and that is the truth and I will do everything in my power to prevent him from becoming president again.”

Elsewhere in the segment, the hosts discussed additional hot news items of the week such as Tom Cruise coming his Golden Globe awards and the scandal which rocked the Kentucky Derby.