According to Tigray’s health department, over 100 people had been injured, 50 more were seriously hurt, and 33 more were missing. Because of fears about retaliation, the official spoke under anonymity.

The alleged airstrike occurs amid fierce fighting in Tigray since the conflict started in November when Ethiopian forces were supported by Eritrean forces as they pursue Tigray’s former leaders. Billene Seyoum (military spokesman) and Billene Seyoum (spokeswoman for Ethiopia’s prime Minister) did not immediately respond when asked for comment.

Ayder hospital, Mekele’s regional capital, received wounded patients who told doctors and nurses that a bomb had been dropped on Togoga’s market. According to the nurse, there was a 2-year old child who suffered “abdominal trauma” as well as a 6-year old. The ambulance transporting a baby wounded to Mekele was stopped for almost 60 km (37 miles) by road. The baby died during the journey, according to the nurse, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to concerns about retaliation.

Hailu Kebede (foreign affairs head of the Salsay Woyane Tigray party) told the AP that a fleeing witness had counted more that 30 bodies in the isolated village, which is linked to Mekele partly through difficult stretches on dirt roads.

A staffer from an international aid organization said that the incident was “horrific.” He also told the AP that he had spoken to a colleague at the scene and other witnesses. “We don’t know if these jets came from Ethiopia or Eritrea. They are still searching for bodies by hand.”

According to health workers, soldiers near Tukul turned back a convoy that was trying to reach Togoga (25 km (15 miles) west from Mekele on Tuesday afternoon. A number of ambulances were also turned back in the afternoon and early on Wednesday morning. However, one group of medical personnel reached the site via a different route on Tuesday evening.

One of the Mekele doctors stated that they had been asking for permission but were not granted it.

Another doctor stated that the Red Cross ambulance he was travelling in Tuesday to get to the scene was twice shot at by Ethiopian soldiers. They held the team for 45 minutes and then ordered them to return to Mekele.

He said, “We are not permitted to go.” “They said that whoever goes is helping the troops of TPLF.”

The TPLF is the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. It was the government of Tigray, until it was overthrown by a federal government offensive that took place in November. The fighting that followed has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people and forced over 2 million people to flee their homes.

A regional health official stated that more than 25 of those wounded reached Ayder hospital on Wednesday afternoon, just one day after the airstrike.

The United Nations claims that all sides were accused of abuses during the Tigray conflict. However, witnesses have repeatedly claimed that Eritrean and Ethiopian soldiers looted and destroyed health centers in Tigray and denied civilians care.

Josep Borrell, EU foreign policy chief, said Wednesday that the European Union strongly condemned the deliberate targeting civilians in Togoga. He called it another in a string of “horrific” abuses in Tigray. He called for an immediate ceasefire and asked the international community to “wake up and take action.”

Humanitarian agencies have warned that 350,000 people in Tigray face famine this month. According to aid workers, soldiers have repeatedly denied them access to certain parts of the region.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad claims that it has almost defeated the rebels. However, TPLF-allied forces recently declared an offensive in Tigray and claimed a series of victories.

Getachew Reda (an ex-leader of Tigray) claimed that Tigray forces had downed a C130 transport plane with explosives, military officers, and “Eritrean camouflage outfits.” However, this claim was not immediately verified.

Adigrat is a town about 100 km (62 miles) north Mekele. A group of Tigrayan fighters entered the town on Tuesday. However, he claimed that it was retaken by Ethiopian- and Eritrean forces. According to him, federal police were seen beating people in central town.

He said, “Everyone is staying at home. There is no movement in town.”

Edaga Hamus, Wukro and Wukro were also reporting renewed fighting. These towns are located on the main road to Mekele.

These reports were made as Ethiopia held regional and federal elections on Monday. Although the vote was peaceful in most of the country, Tigray was not eligible for voting.

Last year’s COVID-19 pandemic caused the vote to be delayed. This increased tension between the federal government, TPLF and the federal government. TPLF went ahead with its regional election in September.