The CDC reduced the time people should be quarantined if they have been exposed to the virus from five days to five days if they were vaccinated. The CDC stated that people who have been fully vaccinated or boosted may not be required to quarantine.

“Given the current knowledge about COVID-19, and the Omicron variant of COVID-19, CDC is shortening a recommended time for isolation to five days for people with COVID-19, followed by five consecutive days of wearing a mask around others,” the CDC stated in a statement.

The CDC stated that people who are feeling better can leave their home after five days if their symptoms improve. The CDC advised that people with a fever should not leave their homes until it clears up.

Science has shown that most SARS-CoV-2 infection occurs in the early stages of illness. This is generally within the first 1-2 days and then the next 2-3 days. People who are positive for SARS-CoV-2 should stay isolated for five days. If they become symptomatic, they can return to isolation.

Quarantine is the term for when people avoid others if they become infected with a disease, but are not yet showing symptoms or testing positive.

These recommendations were also modified by the CDC. It stated that “for people who are not vaccinated, or who have been given their second mRNA dose more than six months ago (or more then two months after J&J vaccine), CDC recommends strict mask use for five days and quarantine for five more days.”

Break for the boosted

The CDC stated that if a five day quarantine is not possible, it is important that exposed persons wear a well-fitting mask for at least 10 days.

CDC stated that people who have been vaccinated or boosted are generally exempt from quarantine.

It stated that individuals who have had their booster shot don’t need to be quarantined after an exposure. However, they should wear a mask for at least 10 days.

“All those exposed should be tested for SARS-CoV-2 on day five of exposure. This is the best practice. Individuals should immediately seek medical attention if they experience symptoms.

Dr. Anthony Fauci stated that the changes were partly intended to keep society running smoothly.

Fauci said that Omicron is experiencing a huge increase in new cases and expects to continue this trend. Fauci spoke to CNN’s Jim Acosta.

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Occupational Health, stated that “We want people to return to the jobs, especially the essential jobs to keep society running smoothly.”

Boosters lower risk

The CDC stated that boosters significantly lower the chance of someone getting infected and passing the virus on to others.

“Data from South Africa, the United Kingdom and other countries show that vaccination against infection is about 35% for two doses. It stated that a COVID-19 booster dose of vaccine restores vaccine effectiveness against infection up to 75%.”

“The Omicron variant spreads quickly and has potential to impact all facets our society,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of the CDC, stated in a statement.

“CDC’s updated recommendations regarding isolation and quarantine are based on what we know about the spread and protection of vaccinations and booster doses. These updates allow people to safely live their normal lives. Prevention is the best option. Get vaccinated and boosted. Wear a mask indoors in areas with high transmission. Take a test before you gather.

The CDC stated that everyone who is able to get a vaccine should do so.

COVID-19 vaccination reduces the chance of serious disease, hospitalization, or death. The CDC encourages COVID-19 vaccines for all ages, including boosters for those 16 years and older. Vaccination is the best method to protect yourself from COVID-19 and decrease its impact on our communities.

The CDC updated its guidelines for health care workers using Covid-19 last week. If they have not shown symptoms or mild symptoms, they can return to work within seven days if they are negative for infection.

People who had been exposed to Covid-19 and who did not test positive were previously advised to quarantine for 14-days, while those who tested positive were instructed to isolate for 10 days.