Audrey lost her father tragically in an accident in March last year. Five weeks later, Audrey’s grandfather, who would have been the stand-in date for the dance, also died.

“It was just an extremely tumultuous period for us all. Holly Soape, Audrey’s mother, said that it was very emotional. “A lot grief, sadness, anger. When I get the chance to bring joy and excitement into my children’s lives, it is a great moment.
She wanted to ensure her daughter could still attend the dance with her friends, so she began brainstorming other options.

“I knew that the dance would be very emotional. It would be disappointing not to be able go. Soape stated that she brought up the topic several times and said she wished she could. She even asked me if I would accompany her to the dance. It was clear to me that she would be going if I wanted it to be extraordinary. It should be something that would make her feel important and loved. “So I thought of the most coolest thing I could think of.

She had an idea. Anthony Harris, a Philadelphia Eagles player who has been a family favorite, was her inspiration.

“I knew it was a long shot. Soape stated that he didn’t expect me to say yes. “I was stunned and overjoyed when I heard that he would do it,” Soape said.

Harris was the family’s favorite NFL football player for many years. Holly Soape has been communicating with him regularly over Instagram since March 2020. She would check in with him every few months and he would reply.

I would send him prayers and encouragements before major games and during career transitions. She said that they had a kind of connection via social media, but never actually met.

Soape also sent Harris a message on the day of her husband’s death, in hopes that he would return a condolence. Harris, who was raised alone, wanted to repay the support Soape gave him over the years.

Harris informed Soape in mid-January that the Eagles’ football season was over. He said that he would fly from Florida to Texas to bring Audrey to the father/daughter dance.

“I was super surprised. It was more than I can comprehend. Audrey stated that she was also nervous. “Probably more nervous than excited in the beginning, as I didn’t know what to say or do around him.”

Harris bought Audrey new shoes and dress to wear to the dance. He also arranged for Audrey to have her hair and make-up done prior to the event.

Audrey stated, “As the night progressed and time passed, he felt more and more like a friend, and I could speak to him and give him more,”

Holly Soape offered to be a chaperone so she could also participate in the event. She stated that Harris did everything possible to make Audrey feel at ease and have a great time.

He began to have conversations with her like asking her about her day, her dad and making her laugh. Soape recalls that he went above and beyond to make sure that she felt special, comfortable, and had a great time.

We were still reeling even days later, I think. As I looked through the photos, I thought, “That really happened.” She said, “He really did come.” They had a wonderful time. It was amazing to see her smile.

Harris’ kindness made it a happy year for Audrey, even though it was difficult for her family.

It really changed the tone of the year. It was a terrible, dark year, but it ended on a really, really positive note. It was a bit of light and joy at the end of an extremely dark tunnel. It was a magical experience for everyone,” Soape stated.