The Andalusian elections are going to be the mother of all frustrations. Five days before the end of the electoral race, and seven days before the polls, the environmental situation could be summed up with the following minute and result: everyone deflates and the favorite does not advance. Stop. The talk show hosts from Madrid, and some visionaries from Barcelona, ??continue to look at their own fingers, instead of delighting in the moon. Sánchez orders PSOE ministers and altar boys to go down to the South. 180,000 voters have voted by mail: on 19J they will be on the beach, in a small plot of land or in any other place other than a polling station. Concern? All of the world.

Mr. Concordia (the PP candidate Juanma Moreno) does not stop asking the undecided to go vote (for him). In the general statements of the candidates there is an evident sense of panic (content) in the face of the possibility that participation will plummet.

The curiosity yesterday was the presence, in separate squares, of the condottieros from Cain’s left: Iglesias (with his missal) officiated in San Fernando; Sister Yolanda del Ferrol, together with the boy Errejón, preached in Malaga. She came from Córdoba, where – women and girls, first – she shouted at those who had previously been convinced to vote “for the Francoist reprisals, for our people, for the future of our daughters.”

There are those who describe this rally at the Axerquía theater as an exercise in self-esteem, but the congregation could not shake the oldie atmosphere. Belarra, head of what remains of Podemos, summed it up like this: “The more strength Por Andalucía has, the more changes will come to Spain.” Put it in passive: if the Southern Strait Front fails, the Sumar platform will remain in the name. That the hopes in the sinister ones diminish, to put it in the Cervantes way, is demonstrated by his obsession with stirring up the dark shadows of Francoism. It is the most obvious sign that they speak from official Madrid, always full of trenches.

19-J is going to confront two forms of the past in Andalusia: Lady Patria (Olona) and her post-war sentimental revival, which received Giorgia Meloni, leader of Fratelli d’Italia, in Marbella last night, and some leftists (disunited) who they revive in the same neighborhood cinema, in a loop, a horror film without background music and, therefore, without true capacity for suggestion.

Who has everything to win in this dual landscape is the president of the Board, who sells moderation, serenity and the masterful formula of the marinade (in pickle) together with a Feijóo that, with forty degrees in the shade, in Córdoba they put entourage two bagpipers.