Do you have questions about nutrition? Send them to, our nutritionist Aitor Sánchez will answer all your questions.

Dear, thank you very much for your consultation, it is great. I wonder what is known about konjac pasta, benefits, contradictions, if when taken it may not be well digested and get stuck in the digestive system. Finally, if it is compatible with Sibo, intestinal permeability, irritable bowel… Thank you very much, greetings (María Carabia, reader)

Konjac pasta is made from a soluble fiber called glucomannan. It is a type of fiber that has a high capacity to absorb water and other compounds, however, our intestine does not have the capacity to digest it and that is why it ends up being fermented by our microbiota and is not used as an energy substrate by our body.

This has made it very popular as a low-calorie pasta or a pasta that does not provide any energy. However, we cannot attribute slimming properties by itself, neither to this pasta, nor to any other food.

What it does have proven are its satiating properties, derived above all from its ability to retain water.

Because it is fermented by our microbiota and because it also interferes with the absorption of different nutrients, we cannot consume it completely freely. We may have contraindications in some conditions that you indicate, especially in digestive pathologies.

We could use these noodles occasionally in a recipe sporadically but we would not recommend it for frequent consumption.

It should also be remembered that no healthy weight loss plan should be based on a product like this.

What should my diet be like if I have fatty liver? (Óscar Levin, reader)

The fatty liver condition normally occurs in two variants: alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver.

As is easy to deduce, alcoholic fatty liver occurs when chronic alcohol consumption occurs, which can also be worsened by poor eating habits. In this case, the best approach would be preventive, by consuming as little alcohol as possible. In the event that this disease is already implemented, we could improve its progression with a good diet and by abandoning alcohol consumption.

In the case of non-alcoholic fatty liver, the importance of diet is also crucial, since although there are different factors that facilitate its appearance, diet is undoubtedly the most important.

Eating a diet rich in vegetables is key to preventing it. It must also be taken into account that overweight and obese people have a higher risk of suffering from it, so following an active life and a diet in accordance with our energy needs is important.

The general recommendations would be those that we usually give in the office: more fresh vegetable products, drinking water instead of other drinks, more legumes at the expense of animal protein, as well as reducing sugar, alcoholic beverages and ultra-processed products.

Depending on the treatment and the condition, it is often also necessary to control the amount of fat ingested so as not to overwork the liver in the digestion of fats through the production of bile. For this reason, we would be facing one of the cases where a low-fat diet could be indicated.