LONDON — The resignation of two of Britain’s most powerful Cabinet ministers could signal the end of Prime Minister Boris Johnson after months of scandals.

Within minutes of each other, Treasury chief Rishi Shahak and Health Secretary Sajid Javidian resigned. Javid stated, “I cannot continue in good conscience.”

Johnson was accused of failing to disclose information about a lawmaker who was appointed in a high-ranking position despite allegations of sexual misconduct.

Sunak stated, “The public expects government to be properly conducted, competently, and seriously.”

“I am aware that this is my last ministry job. However, I believe these standards are worthy of fighting for. That is why I am resigning.”

After a former British top civil servant stated Tuesday that Johnson’s office was not telling the truth about allegations of sexual misconduct against a senior member in the prime minister’s cabinet, the resignations were announced.

Johnson was forced to answer questions about misconduct allegations against Chris Pincher, the deputy chief whip. Pincher resigned Thursday after being accused of groping two men at a private party.

Over the last five days, the government’s explanation has changed repeatedly. Initial statements by ministers stated that Johnson did not know of any allegations at the time Pincher was promoted to the position in February.

Johnson was informed Monday by a spokesperson that he knew of allegations of sexual misconduct against Johnson.

Simon McDonald, who was the U.K. Foreign Office’s most senior civil servant from 2015 to 2020, did not like this account. He said that the prime minister’s office was still not telling the truth in a very unusual statement.

In a letter to the standards commissioner in parliament, McDonald’s stated that he had received complaints from Pincher about his behavior in the summer 2019, just after Pincher was appointed Foreign Office minister. McDonald’s said that Pincher had apologized after an investigation found the complaint valid.

McDonald’s denied that Johnson knew about the allegations. They also claimed that the complaints were dismissed after they were resolved or not filed formally.

McDonald’s wrote, “The original No. McDonald’s wrote that the original No. “Mr. Johnson was given an in-person briefing about the investigation’s initiation and end result.

“There was a formal complaint. Mr. Pincher was not exonerated. It is wrong to call the allegations ‘unsubstantiated’.

Johnson’s office changed the story once again hours after McDonald’s comments were made public. Johnson claimed that the prime minister had forgotten to tell Pincher that he was the subject of an investigation.

Johnson was confirmed by his office to have been briefed by Foreign Office officials on the matter in 2019, “numbers of months” after it occurred. His office stated that it took some time for them to confirm the briefing occurred.

The Cabinet Office minister Michael Ellis informed lawmakers in the House of Commons, that Johnson was made aware of this issue in late 2019 and was informed that the permanent secretary had taken appropriate action. So there was no question that Pincher would remain a minister.

Ellis stated that the prime minister didn’t immediately recall the conversation about late 2019 regarding this incident last week when new allegations were made. “The No. “The No. 10 press office corrected their public line.”

Johnson’s Cabinet is discontented by the latest revelations. Ministers were forced to make public denials of the prime minister, only for the explanation to shift the next day.

The Times of London published Tuesday’s analysis of the situation under “Claim of lying puts Boris Johnson at risk.”

Johnson was able to survive a vote in no confidence, where more than 40% of Conservative Party lawmakers voted for his removal from office. Concerns about Johnson’s leadership were fueled by his shifting responses to months-long allegations of lockdown-breaking parties within government offices. 126 fines were ultimately imposed on Johnson.

Two weeks later, Conservative candidates were defeated in two special elections to fill vacant seats within Parliament. This added to discontent in Johnson’s party.

Pincher, who was deputy chief whip and a crucial position in enforcing discipline party policy, resigned last Wednesday. He told the prime minister that Pincher had “embarrassed himself and others” during the previous night.

Johnson initially refused Pincher’s suspension from the Conservative Party. However, he changed his mind after a formal complaint was made to the parliamentary authorities about the groping allegations.

Critics suggested Johnson wasn’t quick to react because he didn’t want to force Pincher out of his Parliament seat, setting up the Conservatives to lose another special election.

There were rumors that Johnson could soon face another vote of no confidence, even before the Pincher scandal.

Conservative lawmakers will soon elect new members of the committee that creates the party’s parliamentary rules. Many candidates suggested that they would support the amendment of the rules to allow another vote for no confidence. These votes are only allowed once every 12 months under the existing rules.

Roger Gale, a senior Conservative lawmaker and a long-standing opponent of Johnson, stated that he would support changes to the rules of The Conservative 1922 Committee.