The agenda of the next ordinary plenary session, the last one before the end of the session, does not contemplate the renewal of six institutions of great political importance, such as the Consell Jurídic Consultiu or the Sindicatura de Comptes, with expired mandates. When the pact was about to materialize – as has happened with the blockade of the General Council of the Judiciary – the PP got up from the negotiating table, citing a “change in the rules of the game”.

The PPCV explained yesterday that it is willing to approve five of the six renewals, but not that of the Jurídic, since they point out that they were told that of the four members of Les Corts, one would be elected by Unides Podem, another by the PP, a third by Ciudadanos and the fourth It would be by consensus. To this, the three chosen by the Consell would be added. A “misunderstanding”, the PSPV trustee, Ana Barceló, admitted yesterday, since that designation of the supposed consensus candidate would correspond to Compromís.

A situation that allowed the PP to ignore the global pact between the protests of the Valencian coalition that refused to stay out of this statutory body. The PP knows how this works and the spokesperson for her group, María José Catalá, “has enough experience to know that the choice of that member corresponds to Compromís,” the coalition’s parliamentary spokesperson, Papi Robles, explained at a press conference. “What do you want Compromís to be left out?” She underlined.

In the Botànic block they understand that the popular ones have never had the will to reach a real agreement and they exemplify this in the fact that Catalá did not even attend the meeting of the unions in which the pact had to be closed, which, yes , sent the representative of the popular group in the Mesa de Les Corts.

It does give the impression that in recent days the PP has hardened its opposition discourse and has shown itself to be more reluctant to reach agreements with the left-wing parties. Mazón has already left in the air his commitment to subsidize the Inheritance Tax to large family businesses that the PSPV will present and refused to sign the Alliance against inflation that was presented last Monday.

For all these reasons, despite the fact that a sudden agreement could still shoehorn the election of the new members of the bodies pending renewal – CJC, Sindicatura de Comptes, Consell de Transparencia, Consell Rector de la television – to the plenary session on the 23rd. , Consell Valencia de Cultura and Consell de Universitats-, time is pressing because some of the candidates had to go through the corresponding commission first to assess their suitability. And, to this day, it does not seem that either the PP or Compromís are willing to give in, so the renewal will not be possible until 2023.