For some time, social networks have become a loudspeaker for new artists who want to gain a foothold in the Spanish music scene. Leo Rizzi, a Fine Arts student born in 1998 in Ibiza, raised in Uruguay and resident in Valencia, is one of those names that are part of a generation of artists whose songs have gone viral through platforms like TikTok.

The Ibizan composer still feels the emotion for his award for Best New Artist in the Spain category at the LOS40 Music Awards 2022 very recently: “Receiving this award in a world where everything goes so fast, everything is so ephemeral and there are so many proposals. It provokes a great feeling of recognition”, he explains. “It’s as if I were telling you: you’re doing well, keep it up.”

After successes such as Conexión, Poppies, La Puerta or París will not always remain, Rizzi is immersed in the next steps of his career. On the one hand, he will embark on his first international tour in Mexico, which will take place in 2023. “Another dream come true,” he tells us. And his other objective: to release his first album. “I want to do something with an artistic sense and with a concept. I am composing the first songs, surely for next year”, he affirms.

Together with Leo Rizzi, other young talents such as the Madrid group 84, the composer Alex Wall or the Barcelona singer-songwriter Hey Kid gathered on November 12 at the emblematic Bling Bling venue in Barcelona. The Ciudad Condal has been chosen to close the Endesa Jardín de las Delicias Tour, which has set out this year for the first time from Madrid to take its music to other parts of Spain such as Seville, Zaragoza, Palma de Mallorca or Tenerife. A tour in which a great commitment has been made to music in Spanish, promoting emerging music groups and giving visibility to local artists.

This tour was born in 2022 from the union between the Jardín de las Delicias Festival, an already consolidated musical event in Madrid; and Endesa as a sustainable sponsor and ally to help the festival to be more respectful of the environment. With this sponsorship, Endesa has also made its debut in the world of music, as explained by its brand and sponsorship director, María Lacasa: “We have decided to start in the world of culture and music because it is a territory that we it approaches a young audience and is closely linked to positive emotions”.

Music is a good way to reach the younger generations who, in addition, tend to have a greater environmental awareness. “It has always been a portal to talk about important issues”, says Leo Rizzi, “we cannot forget that music comes with a message: sustainability, inclusion… All this can be reflected in the lyrics and in the artistic proposal ”.

For the Jardín de las Delicias Festival, this commitment to sustainability has been reflected in real actions by Endesa, both on the tour and at the event held in Madrid last September. “We have accompanied them to carry out actions with which to be more respectful of the environment and the environment,” explains Lacasa. These initiatives have consisted of promoting electric mobility, the circular economy and the recycling of materials, preventing the generation of waste, informing and raising awareness and a series of other commitments.

The next step is to calculate the carbon footprint of the festival and the tour. “We are filling out a series of forms to send to an external audit with the aim of obtaining the A Greener Festival seal”. It is a European seal awarded by a non-profit association of the same name born in 2007. Since its creation it has collaborated with more than 600 festivals around the world, carrying out environmental audits and organizing an annual award to value the best initiatives .