Mystery solved. Pensions will rise in 2023 with a reference of 8.46%, taking into account the advanced inflation data for November published this Tuesday.

The figure, which comes from the average year-on-year inflation between December 2021 and November 2022, is the reference to increase benefits next year. In this way they will not lose purchasing power. According to the calculations of economists and Social Security, the increase will cost around 13,000 million euros.

One of the first effects is the increase in the maximum pension. According to the Social Security website, today it is 2,819.18 euros per month, so it will go to 3,058 euros.

With the revaluation, the average retirement pension would go from 1,258.84 euros to 1,365 euros; the average permanent disability pension from 1,034.62 euros to 1,122 euros; that of widowhood from 781.16 euros to 847 euros; in favor of relatives from 641.19 euros to 695 euros and that of orphans from 439 euros to 476 euros. Always in monthly terms and based on the most updated data, at the beginning of the month.

Non-contributory retirement and disability pensions, for their part, will increase by 15% with the agreement between the Government and EH Bildu for the approval of the budgets. In all other cases, this is how the minimum pensions will be increased with current inflation, which will be confirmed on December 14 with the final data:

In retirement pensions at 65 years of age, the minimum pension is 890.50 euros per month if you have a dependent spouse, so it will amount to 966 euros. Without a dependent spouse, the minimum goes from 721.70 euros to 783 euros, while if it is with a non-dependent spouse, it jumps from 685 euros to 743 euros.

In retirements under 65 years of age, the minimum with a dependent spouse goes from 834.90 euros to 905.5 euros, without a spouse from 675.20 euros to 732 euros and with a non-dependent spouse it will go from 638.20 euros to 692 euro.

In widow’s pensions, the minimum will go from 834.90 euros to 905.5 euros when there are family responsibilities, from 675.20 euros to 732 euros when they are between 60 and 64 years old and from 546.80 to 593 euros when is under 60 years of age. If you are 65 years old and have a disability equal to or greater than 65%, you go from 721.70 euros per month to 783 euros.

In the minimums for severe disability, it will go from 1,335.80 euros with a dependent spouse to 1,449 euros, without a spouse it will go from 1,082.60 euros to 1,174 euros and with a non-dependent spouse from 1,027.50 euros to 1,114 euros.

In absolute or total permanent disability at 65 years of age, it goes from 890.50 euros to 966 euros, from 721.70 euros to 783 euros and from 685 euros to 743 euros, respectively. For totals between 60 and 64 years old, they go from 834.90 euros, 675.20 euros and 638.20 euros to 905.5 euros, 732 euros and 692 euros.

For total disability derived from a common disease in people under 60 years of age, it will go from 532 euros and 527.40 euros to 577 euros and 572 euros depending on the situation.

The minimum pensions for orphans will go from a minimum per beneficiary of 220.70 euros to 239 euros and in the case of being a beneficiary under 18 years of age and with a disability equal to or greater than 65% from 434 euros to 471 euros.

In cases of absolute orphanhood, a beneficiary will see the minimum increase from 733.30 euros to 795 euros, while in benefits it will go from 675.50 euros to 733 euros for a beneficiary and from 1,138.70 euros to 1,235 euros with several beneficiaries .

With regard to pensions for family members, the monthly amount will go from 220.70 euros to 239 euros. If there is no widow or orphan pensioner, a single 65-year-old beneficiary will go from a minimum of 533.10 euros to 578 euros, while if he is a minor it will go from 502.40 euros to 545 euros.