The mind of a serial entrepreneur never rests. While immersed in a film and documentary project, Nacho González-Barros, founder of InfoJobs and Mailtrack -among other companies-, realized that “people preferred to receive bank information by email or WhatsApp, instead of having to connect to the bank’s web platform or application”.

With the aim of founding a company that would respond to this need, González-Barros wrote a message on the social network Twitter asking for help to create a platform that would bring together the movements of different bank accounts and send alerts and reports to users. . Five minutes later, David Álvarez, a telecommunications engineer, contacted him. González-Barros and Álvarez began the journey to found the startup Banktrack in mid-2021 and, along the way, they signed Carlos Pérez, who has experience in the banking sector, as a third partner.

Banktrack was born in November 2021, just six months after González-Barros had the idea. During this time, the three entrepreneurs have managed to get some 200 banks to join their platform. That is, “all the banking entities that operate in the country,” according to González-Barros. At the moment, the platform is being tested among some 500 users in order to refine the service.

Also with a view to the takeoff of the company, the entrepreneurs have closed a financing round of one million euros. The capital injection has been led by the venture capital funds K Fund and 4Founders Capital and has had more than 20 business angels. The money is being used to introduce improvements to the product, expand the available communication channels (adding Telegram, Slack and Microsoft Teams) and will also serve to boost the company’s international expansion strategy. “In a year or so, we want to make the leap to other countries,” says González-Barros, who advances that they are focused on the United States.

Based in Barcelona and a team of five people, the entrepreneurs plan to start billing for their services next year. They are aimed at individuals with bank accounts in different entities, as well as small and medium-sized companies and startups with several partners that need to control their financial statements on a day-to-day basis. The idea is that, at a glance, they can review all their financial information.